Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 91
2015 Year in Review
For this last issue of the year, I thought I’d do something fun and pull the most popular links from each issue and complie the top 10 as a ‘look back’ on the world of Amateur Radio in 2015. I hope you enjoy! –Cale K4HCK
Verizon issues furious response to FCC, in Morse code
Verizon wrote a press release in Morse code and set the date as 1934 to make the point that the FCC is taking us backward in time.
Ars Technica (Issue 50)
Steal this Ham Radio (technology)
If you think hams just use Morse code and voice communications, you are thinking of your grandfather’s ham radio.
Hack A Day (Issue 79)
A look inside the NR5M super-station
The sun was just setting and I’m sure I had a stupid look on my face as I saw the towers rise over the horizon. What a sight to behold.
W0EA (Issue 65)
EP6T team pleads for “more respect” from operators
“Jammers calling with fake calls and disrespecting the operators, sending disgraceful e-mails, and calling us names is sometimes too much for us.”
ARRL (Issue 45)
Portable radio operations
Using Morse Code to keep in touch with friends.
Wiltshire Man (Issue 73)
K1N logs 125,000 QSOs, offers “All-Time New One” days
“…do not call them if you already worked them.”
ARRL (Issue 48)
Request an azimuthal map
Use this form to create an azimuthal map for any location on the globe.
NS6T (Issue 48)
Icom IC-7300 available in January, official price announced
Icom’s IC-7300 is probably the most expected transceiver of 2016, given the fact that it’s the first direct-sampling SDR from one of the “big three” manufacturers.
YO9IRF (Issue 89)
Dayton Hamvention – R.I.P.
The “laws of the market place” are taking care of the “Dayton as a hell-hole” problem.
K9ZW (Issue 64)
New Baofeng radios on Monday?
“Including: Crossband Repeater Capabilities, Dual Simultaneous Receivers, 6 Band Reception, NOAA Weather Channels and Alerts, 7 Encoding and Decoding Methods, and Upgradable Firmware.”
Brick O’Lore (Issue 49)