Antenna planning

I measured out the distances from the house to the maple tree in the back yard and over to the mast in the “upper right” corner of the back yard.  The 85 foot W3EDP will fit just fine, with room to spare.  There should be less than 10 feet worth of Dacron rope between the end of the antenna and the mast.

The drawing is not to scale; but the run along the side of the house accounts for no more than 15 to 20 feet or so of the antenna run.  The EDZ currently follows the same route (more or less) but I am hoping to get a dog bone insulator (which will serve as the wire “bending point”) up about 10 to 15 feet higher in the tree than where the center insulator hangs for the EDZ.

Last Thursday, I ordered a 4:1 current balun from Universal Radio and I have all the other materials I need.  The balun should come during the week, and hopefully I will get to do some antenna installing next weekend.

In the end, this W3EDP will be configured as a horizontal “L” as you can see from the diagram.  The ends will be at about a 25′ level and I am hoping the point at where the wire will take its sharp right turn will be in the 35 – 40′ neighborhood.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at

One Response to “Antenna planning”

  • Alex K5UNY:

    FYI, today I tested out my W3EDP portable antenna with both a 4:1 Balun and a HB 4:1 UnUn. My 817ND/Elecraft T1 combo tuned the antenna to less than 1.5:1 on all bands 80 thru 10M without a hic cup using the UnUn and the tuner took a “tad” longer to reach the same SWr with the 4:1 Balun. I didn’t have time to stay at the park and try it out with actual contacts but will attempt to do that later this week. Alex K5uny Pb 105

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