CQWW SSB 2011 wishlist

Incredible! Worked 20 !!! new band DXCC on 10m in the CQWW contest last weekend. That’s a lot. Propagation was very good especially on the 10m band. I actually made a wishlist before the contest with the help of the announced DX operations list of NG3K. Did not work everything fom the list as for example the PJ and A52 stations were constantly in a pile-up and I didn’t want to waste time with so many nice DXCC to work. But at last I did QSO with a few of the list. I even made a incredible QSO over the northpole to Alaska on 10m another first on that band. And no, I don’t work with a large beam but with a simple vertical made partially from Aluminium foil! I don’t have a lineair amplifier as well and did make all QSOs with 100W. I was not on the radio  the whole weekend, so I missed opening to Oceania. I was simply not able to be on the radio on the right time as family duty calls. But after all I cannot complain I made 450 QSO’s, 200 of them were made on the 10m band. And I was almost jumping in the air….I made my first QSO with XE zone 6 after years of trying on various bands. 

Some highlights on 10m, of course I made some QSOs on other bands too:

10m: JH4UTP (Japan), ST2UOK (Sudan), JT5DX (Mongolia), A92GR (Bahrain), BX100 (Taiwan), BD3NCK (China), VU2PAI (India), JY4NE (Jordan), C5A (Gambia), PZ5MM (Surinam), HI3TEJ (Dominican Rep.), P40W (Aruba), 8R1EA (Guyana), A73A (Quatar), A61BM (UAE), AA4V/VP9 (Bermuda), XE1CQ (Mexico), YV5NEA (Venezuela), HR2DX (Honduras), VP2MDG (Montserrat), WL7E (Alaska), 5H3EE (Tanzania), 7Z1SJ (Saudi Arabia), FY/F5HRY (Fr.Guyana)

I didn’t mention the countless northern American stations I worked on 10m. Imagine what would have happen if I used a beam, I think I would have doubled this list !!!

Bas, PE4BAS, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Groningen, Netherlands. Contact him at baslev@yahoo.com.

3 Responses to “CQWW SSB 2011 wishlist”

  • Richard KW0U:

    Great job, Bas. Didn’t hear you but worked many Europeans on 10, which was at times better than 20 and certainly 15. With my 100W and a simple attic dipole–no amplifier–I made good contacts from Australia to Brazil to Siberia. Didn’t get the ST2AR I needed for a last zone (all 20M SSB on my dipole, incidentally) and never heard the A5, but pretty much everything else came rolling in to Minnesota. Maybe Cycle 24 has come back from the dead, which, it being our Halloween today, would be very appropriate!

  • Bas PE4BAS:

    Hello Richard, well I only worked S&P so if you did the same it’s almost impossible to meet. I did a run on 40m for a while, but it didn’t work with only 2 stations in 10 minutes. Did hear ST2AR on 10 and 15m but they were in a big pile-up and ST2UOK was calling cq lonely and easy to work. I missed Australia though but that was just a matter of not being on the radio at the right time. Not bad by the way with a attic dipole…..cycle 24 really lives.
    73, Bas

  • Lars OZ1BXM:

    Hello Bas, good job working 20 new DXCC on 10 meters. I an pursuing WAZ and need only zone 6. I can tell from your report, that zone 6 (XE) is active during contests. That is encouraging! 73 de OZ1BXM Lars Petersen.

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