Ham radio for Arduino & Picaxe

The Arduino platform has struck a bit of a chord with me. It is very well supported with both hardware and software, which makes it ideal for people like me who don’t have the background or skills to get a project off the ground. There are plenty of resources around the internet that off either ready made projects (just add hardware) or Books that explain the concepts and procedures in detail. Even the books tend to be supported by websites that have the code available for download if you wish.I came across a new(?) book by Leigh Klotz Jr, WA5ZNU titled ‘Ham radio for Arduino & Picaxe’ seems to be available through the ARRL but not the RSGB at the moment.

The book is supported by a website which has forums, code and links to the various projects that are presented. The links include the almost ubiquitous Sparkfun website, which has been supplying bits and bobs to US based hobbyist’s as well as those internationally for some time. The Sparkfun site is also a good place for technical data and resources such as libraries for Eagle.

Anyway, as usual I digress. The book is currently available through the ARRL and possibly in the future through the RSGB. The contents page looks like it has a whole heap of projects that will keep us busy for a long time. If its your cup of tea then I hope you can get a copy and enjoy the projects.

Ham Radio for Arduino and Picaxe (c) 2013 ARRL

Alex Hill, G7KSE, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cumbria, UK. Contact him at g7kse@yahoo.co.uk.

One Response to “Ham radio for Arduino & Picaxe”

  • Joe KB3PHL:

    This book will probably be available on Amazon in about another month & will be cheaper & you can get free shipping. ARRL always charges to much & even their membership discount is a joke. They’ll reduce the price by only a couple of dollars & still charge $7.00 shipping & handling. So for any book that shows up on ARRL’s site, I always wait a month or two until it’s on Amazon.

    Joe KB3PHL

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