VE3WDM's QRPower BLOG 2014-04-04 10:02:00

For two years now I have used Norton 360 on my PC and it has served me well and not even a virus or any other problems………BUT I do have to shell out 60.00 per year to keep renewing it and having the fresh updates. There sure is a lot more I can do with that 60.00 than spending it on Norton! Then there is the other side of the coin how much will it cost me both in time and possibly PC tech help to remove a virus or what ever else there is out there from messing up my PC. In the past I have had some free virus protection programs along with trojan, malware and worms now and then it did not work. So am I getting the "wrong" free stuff, are they really not as good as rumored to be? My Norton 360 renewal message has been coming up my my PC for about a month now and as always I have been procrastinating the whole thing. Now I am down to the last day and just having to pay another 60.00 seems like a money grab to me. In the past here is the free protection I have had for the PC.
AVGfree ......this freeware say it protects against virus's, malware and spyware but to get a firewall, safe data download protection and anti spam you have to pay 60.00 per year. 
Spybot S&D is free and will protect me in the malware dept but not sure since AVGfree does that if I am just repeating a protection? I know there must be other free software out there or others that cost money but not asking you for more each year? What do you is it working for you......I'm open to suggestions as I am very fast running out of time. 

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at

27 Responses to “VE3WDM's QRPower BLOG 2014-04-04 10:02:00”

  • tom AJ4UQ:

    Microsoft’s free “security essentials” seems to get decent reviews. Also check with your ISP and employer. Many ISPs will provide an AV product as part of your subscription, usually with limits on how many copies you can use (see for example). Some employers may have enterprise licensing agreements that allow employees to use the corporate AV on personal machines.

  • GB KC5GB:

    I’ve used Security Essentials since its inception with excellent results. Everything you need-except no nag screens.

  • Harry K4BAD:

    Highly recommend Avast….very effective and it’s free. Hope this helps.73

  • Karl N7DMA:

    I also recommend Avast. I’ve been using the free version for several years, and never had a problem. 73

  • Mike, WV2ZOW:

    For years I have been using McAfee for protection. The only thing it couldn’t get rid of was the annoying message about how many threats it protected me against. It seemed to use a lot of computer power also. I switched to Microsoft Security Essentials. Computer runs much faster, its free, and never feels the need to tell me how good its doing.

  • Chris KQ2RP:

    I’ve had good success with Avira and Bitdefender. My experience with McAfee and Norton were that they were not as effective and dogs on the system.

  • WB2LCW:

    I bought a USED wimdows 7 computer last week! It had Microsoft Security Essentials on it but it did’t know there were 51 pieces of malware
    on the computer (I was getting Pop ups all over the place). I used MALWAREBYTES free edition to get rid of them.

    I have used McAfee for years with no problems….I buy my anti virus on ebay for a lot less money and free shipping ,each year….
    There are FREE Anti virus software and FREE Firewalls also available .
    also free editions of MALWAREBYTES ,Adaware etc.

    Shop arround and save

    Mike WB2LCW

  • IZ2LSO:

    Microsoft Security Essentials + AVG and don’t visit those websites….


  • Alek YU1IS:

    Your roof leaks, and you are asking “should I use plastic or metal bucket ?”
    If you are unable to run away of windows, and Norton was good for you, than it is worth paying 60 bucks for.
    Greetz, Alek

  • Harry K7ZOV:

    I have been using AVG free for well over 10 yrs and it does a good job. Got fed up with Norton and McAfee many years ago. I help people with slow computers and computer issues. I have NOT found a perfect solution and no one program does it all. I can load and scan with AVG and find problem and remove them. Then run Spy-Bot Search and Destroy and find other spy and malware AVG missed. Then run Malwarebytes and find ones that the other two missed. Then I use CClean to clean up the junk files, some of which can still hold nasties and clean up the registory. I would say out of a hundred computers 70% the time it took at least two if not all the programs to give me a clean machine..That is not a good track record for any of them. But a clean computer is a happy computer (and owner) so I do this at least twice a month.

    2 cents injected. Hope it helps.

    73 Harry K7ZOV

  • Phil N4LNE:

    Microsoft Security Essentials is working and has never failed. Make sure under settings you tell it to remove all threats High, medium and low. If it detectable then it should be deleted before it has any chance to do damage.

    Happy DX

  • Gary ke2yk:

    AVAST free Anti Virus software has been in my arsenal on multiple PC’s here for years. After installing it, be sure to choose the option to run the BOOT SCAN.
    Recently dumping my final copy of XP from my old Thinkpad T60p (running only ham radio software), installed a fresh copy of Windows 7/ Once complete, I installed Avast and ran the boot scan. The fresh install contained an “off the CD executable” with a virus pattern.
    During the boot scan, you will most likely discover malware and viruses not detected by other older anti virus systems like AVG. Malwarebytes and CCleaner are also excellent free tools to have in your arsenal in the never ending war against PC viruses and malware.
    Of course a better alternative (speaking now as a retired UNIX systems engineer) is to use LINUX MINT with Open Office and avoid the malware / virus madness.

  • Marc PC1MH:

    Install Ubuntu and start using the processor for tasks you need it to do instead of scanning and cleaning and defragging. Ubuntu does not have to be scanned for virusses. Make the USB stick and try it out, for free.
    All the problems you are trying to deal with here are Windows problems. Have you people ever tried Ubuntu? It has firefox, VLC the works. I have nothing against Windows, dont misunderstand me, I just trie to solve your computer/Windows problems here. Your OS is broken and will never work, try another OS.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Tom, yes I have been getting lots of feed back about Microsoft’s essentials. But I have to upgrade from WinXP first and that is coming soon. As for the supplier of my internet it was free but now it cost’s money to have that option. Work is a great idea but I work for a place were security is super high and they would not be thrill about any of us going online with their products.
    Tom thanks for the info and for taking the time to comment.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Hello GB, this is the product I have been hearing about over and over again but I have to drop WinXP and move on to Win7 or 8…..may just do that. Thanks for stopping by GB.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Top of the afternoon to you Harry, Avist is what I am trying out on my PC at the moment and it seems to be good…..but Microsoft essentials seems to be coming up in lots of comments so I may have to upgrade.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Thanks for the extra vote Karl…….have it now and not to bad.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Hello Mike I did use McAfee in the past but I found it did not protect the PC all that well and went over to Norton. Also now that Norton is off the PC it sure is running faster.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Mike WB2LCW, thanks for the recommendations of the software and yes essenials seems to be the way to go if you have Win7.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Hi Marco………ahhhh yes those websites…….not here brother to old for that crap.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Alek, well if my roof is leaking and Im looking for the right bucket………but a stainless steel ones comes on sale just at the right time Im on it……all funing aside I too believe in getting the best and if you have to pay for it too.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Harry K7ZOV, yes thanks very much for your 2 cents and the great sites that you mentioned as well. At this point I have Avast on my PC and I sure had noticed the increase in speed once Norton has stopped running. Thanks again for the input and your 2 cents is always welcome.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Phil, this again has been the top recommended program to use once I upgrade from WinXP. Great information as well having to do with setting I will jot that down so it will be done.
    Thanks again Phil

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Hello Gary, lots of great info and right after this post I am going to get the boot scan checked. I am using Avast at the moment and seems to be working fine. As for Linux I do have a laptop with Ubuntu on it and enjoy it very much and we also have 2 Mac’s. Thanks for other info about the other software that is out there.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Hi Marc, I have used Ubuntu on my laptop for years and this PC that I am am on now is my main PC for ham software. I have tried Whine and just does not seem to work to well with a lot of the ham radio software. I also have Mac PC’s and used Parallel it worked great until my wife wanted her Imac back…:(( I am a supporter of Ubuntu but for ham radio I found it had it’s limits. If you have any input with regards to this as thing may have changed and I am not aware of it do email me.
    Thanks Marc

  • Scott W9VHE:

    Past user of Zone Alarm firewall and AVG-Free anti-virus when using Windows.
    Worked for me, worked for free. YMMV

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good evening Scott, thanks for the input and causing me to look over what I was planning to do. Great to have your input.

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