Video of My Lunchtime Portable Operation

Yesterday, I shot a bunch of video while I was out operating during my lunchtime QRP session.

I got it all edited and it is ready for you to view!  This is my first video, so any comments or helpful advice is more than welcomed.

Burke Jones, NØHYD, is a regular contributor to and writes from Kansas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “Video of My Lunchtime Portable Operation”

  • Matt W1MST:

    That’s awesome, Burke!

    How accurate is the Elecraft at decoding CW? I guess I didn’t even realize that it did that (yes, I live under a rock).

  • Burke Jones N0HYD:


    It is really good if you have a strong signal. That W1AW/9 station was almost perfect. The SOTA station was not strong enough for the KX3 to decode.

    When I worked the IARU HF Championship – it was able to decode almost all the stations I worked.

    From what I have seen, you can’t really count on it – I use it only as a backup if someone is sending faster than I can receive.


  • Marc W4MPS:

    Good job Burke. Keep ’em coming. One comment- the viewer didn’t know where you were located. I love taking my KX3 out of the shack whenever possible.
    Marc, W4MPS

  • Burke Jones N0HYD:

    Good point Marc! I will at least go back and add that to the description or something.

    For the record I am in Wichita, KS. Thanks for the comment and watching!

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