0.2 Watts to South Africa
This is a new one for me: Norway-South Africa on 30 m WSPR in the middle of the night. Again I am amazed at what this mode can accomplish, and also what my little Ultimate 3 kit is able to do.
The antenna used on my side was my trusty old 80 m long horizontal loop fed with a 4:1 balun and no tuning beyond that (SWR 7:1). Output power was from a single stage BS170 driven at 5 Volts, or about 200 mW in a 50 ohms load. In this particular antenna, the output is most likely much lower.
ZS6KN is the only non-European station who has heard me this night on 30 m, with a marginal SNR of -27 dB.
WSPR is some 12-14dB better than 12wpm CW. To those new to the mode it does seem incredible. I have been amazed by the mode. My 10m 500mW WSPR beacon has been copied in every continent in the last few months including Antarctica and Australia. Many have had success with WSPR running 1mW or even less! Incredible indeed. Good luck with the mode.