10m Es, F2 and GDX
On 10m G4DAY (142km) was copied twice in the early morning and again at 0940z.
Es has been plentiful this morning. Looking at the WSPR screen earlier there was lots of MS about with several traces of intermittent (non decoding) signals on 10m WSPR, presumably UK or EU signals reflecting off meteor trails. Es so far includes DL6UG, DL6NL, EB3EPR, EA5CYA, LB9YE and HB9JOI.
Also spotted FR1GZ (9724km) by F2 propagation at 1038z, 1122z and again at 1128z.
10m is a far more productive band than 6m. Interestingly, G4DAY (10W) was being spotted by Es several times in the night suggesting Es propagation was there but not good enough to allow my 2W to be decoded. For some Es and GDX it seems 10W helps.