28MHz mobile update
After the ‘screaming’ incident with the AT-5555 rig a couple of weeks ago, the rig has seemed quite happy. With the lighter evenings, the band seems to have been open a little longer. By the time I get to the car in the evening, around 1820z there seems to have been just a little propagation left on 28MHz, usually to South America.
For the last couple of evenings, there have been Brazilians to listen to, whilst driving home. Signals have been weak, but I’m hopeful of a contact soon.
Driving around at the weekend, during daylight hours there have been plenty of contacts around Europe and Russia which is good fun for mobile operation.
Soon the Es season will be starting which should be fun on 28MHz.
28mhz esta muito boa no final da tarde horario local 18:00 73
We are? in the Appalachian Music community of Floyd Virginia I am also mankig a small museum display of some of my computers available to the public in the Village Green. We are on the Blue Ridge Parkway The Crooked Road Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail . A lot of good things here drop in and see us sometime. Also if you are biker this is a big stop over for riders on the Blue Ridge Parkway Dave