3830 Claimed Scores | 2010 CQ WPX SSB | International Low Power
International Single Operator All Band.
- P49Y (AE6Y) | 3842 Qs | 1048 Prefixes | 36hrs | 13,657,536 Points [NCCC].
- 3V8SS (KF5EYY) | 1577 Qs | 691 Prefixes | 30h29min| 4,036,822 Points [RR DX].
- PY2NY | 1622 Qs | 726 Prefixes | 32hours | 3,442,692 Points [Araucaria DX].
n = 14 scores submitted in this category.
Options there are options for low power, low profile RadioSport operators. One can operate from a DX location to satisfy the competitive spirit and Andy, P49Y entered an ionospheric score from his Aruba location. In addition, he lead the Northern California Contest Club to a banner position fulfilling the club’s motto, “Excellence In Amateur Radio Contesting.“
An accomplishment well done!
Believe in your signal.