A 40m transceiver kit
It has been a while since my soldering iron has been warmed up and I have been feeling the urge to build something. The challenge of building something from scratch has usually proved too much, so I have decided to build a kit. I’ve read a lot of good things about the “Iler 40” and its 20m brother so I decided to get one.
Iler 40 transceiver (EA9GCY photo) |
I thought that this kit was sold on Ebay but a search for “Iler 20” came up blank. A more generic search produced some interesting hits including this 40m transceiver kit from a UK seller. This kit is quite a bit cheaper than the Iler kits but without any reviews it is a bit of an unknown quantity. I eventually found that the Iler kits can be bought from the maker’s own site. The excellent reviews plus a higher output (4w vs 1w) were the decider. I was a bit unsure of which version to go for but I eventually plumped for the 40m version. More to follow once it gets here.
Thanks for the info, and keep us posted as you get it together. In the meantime I will add this one to the Kit list.
Julian, the ILER is a nice transceiver, I just ordered both the 20 meter and 40 meter version. Over the weekend I was able to align and play with my Brother in Law’s ILER 40 that we just got working. The receiver is very sensitive and has plenty of clear audio, the first guy we heard calling CQ we called back and he answered and gave us a great report. I’m not sure if you noticed that the other kit from the UK is CW only and the ILER is SSB. I hope you enjoy building your ILER, I know I will.