A good 50/70MHz Es day
Although 50MHz in particular, has been noisy today with some local electrical interference, there’s been some good Es propagation, particularly to the south. Around 1000z I noticed some loud Spanish stations on 50MHz, loud enough and short enough skip (EA1) that made me think that the MUF would be high enough for 70MHz. And so it was, with EA7HG coming through on 70MHz – we worked, although it wasn’t the easiest of QSOs. CT1DIZ and EA7KB were also worked on the band before propagation faded.
I dropped back to 50MHz and the band was still good into Spain and I made some nice QSOs. I was very pleased to work EA8BWY in the Canaries – pretty sure this must have been double hop – first hop to Spain and second hop from there to the islands. There was a brief opening this evening, again to Spain when I worked EB4IC.
G6AVK is reporting the 6V7SIX beacon on TEP – nothing here!
Wish we had 70mc,was on 50.125 alot today but nothing here in dn51