A Great Day for QRP
The crosses are a memorial to people that drowned in a freak storm that blew in from the Gulf Of Mexico, unannounced and unanticipated. This is a beautiful spot for ham radio operation, (bug spray required)!
Dave, K4DFG and I operated QRP from this park today. He worked 20 meters. I worked 30 meters. Both of us use the PAR EFHW, antennas. They are very easy to put up and take down.
I worked a guy in OK who was also QRP and very glad to be working QRP and is back on the air after a long lay off. We hit it pretty good here today, they just finished mowing the grass as I set up.
No goats here, sorry! No long hike, just a drive up and plop!
The coax is the ‘other half’ of the antenna. I try to make sure its close to a 1/4 wave long on whatever band I happen to be on.
This seemed unnecessary today on 30 meters, the coax was a bit short of that figure but it worked well anyway.
We had a great time, made a few contacts and enjoyed the beautiful venue.
Air boats haunt this very shallow cove so its a good idea to have noise cancelling headphones but even then, they are pretty loud. Only one went by today.
72 de AA1IK
Ernest Gregoire
What’s the location?
Hagen’s Cove, Perry Florida!
Good morning Ernest, looks like it was great weather and the EFHW antennas seemed to do the trick. I have been very pleased with my KX3 for outdoor adventures. Great pictures of the day as well.