A nice surprise
was in the mail when I got home from work – an envelope from the ARRL. I had recently updated my LOTW log and sent in an application for a bunch of DXCC entities that I had worked. That application put me over the 150 DXCC entities worked mark, so the League sent me a little “DXCC 150” sticker for my basic certificate. I am surmising that you can get an endorsement stickers for multiples of 50 DXCC entities worked, ie 150, 200, 250, 300 and finally 320 and then Honor Roll, I guess.
This submission brought me up to 151 confirmed. I actually have 3 or 4 more in the log with stations that do not use LOTW, so I will have to get their confirmations the old fashioned way.
In addition to those 3 or 4 I just mentioned, you can add another, as I worked SX5KL in the Dodecanese Islands for another new DXCC entity worked. I actually worked him twice (yes, I know I’m a hog) once QRO and then about 90 minutes later QRP. The first time, he was about a 579 here – 90 minutes later, he was blasting through at 599+ and the pileup wasn’t very fierce. So I took the chance and got through the second time with 5 Watts and thanked him for listening to my QRP signal.
On an entirely different note, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes for a very safe journey to all of you out there who are traveling toward FDIM and Hamvention. I hope the weather is great for you and that you all have a great time. I wish that I could be with you guys at FDIM, and finally meet face to face with so many of you that I have come to consider to be good friends.
To paraphrase W.C. Fields – “All things considered, I’d rather be in Dayton”.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Congrats on the DXCC progress. Some do it all the way to the Honor Roll in as little as 15 years (not QRP) and the rest of us take a lifetime. Enjoy the trip however long it may be. As for Dayton … every ham should get there at least once! My last time was in 1980. I think a return has been long over due. The last time I was there FDIM did not exist. This time it will be the reason to go. I am not a flea market guy but I do like to meet other QRP folks swap lies. BTW I do like flea markets, just don’t need any more junk!
Dave K1THP