A watt of forlorn hope
Those of you familiar with Rob, MW0DNK’s blog, may have an idea of what’s coming!
Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to play with lots of rigs, many of which I have sold when the time came to move onto something ‘better’. Most of the time that’s good – and after all, you can’t keep everything (so I believe). However, some of the time, you regret it.
The Yaesu FT790 that I had was always a favourite. I used it on FM for the local repeaters and simplex contacts on SU8 (433.200) with friends like Mark G4MEM, Graham G8XRS and Mark G6CMG. Connected up to a 21ele beam, I was thrilled when the 1W of SSB reached West Wales and on one notable occasion, the Isle of Man. I can’t remember when I sold the FT790 or who had it! I think it went when I got my Trio TS780 144/432MHz base station.
But I always remember the FT790 fondly – for being a solid portable rig that was fun to have around.
And so it was that yesterday, I spotted one on eBay. Mislabelled and not getting much attention. There was only one thing to do wasn’t there, really. One surprisingly low bid later and there is one on the way.
They say you should never look back – but it will be fun to see what I can do with a watt of forlorn hope! Let’s hope the rig is in reasonable condition. I shall report back when it arrives.
You have put a smile on my face, Tim! Good luck with the ‘790! We all look forward to hearing the next chapter! Vy 73, Rob.