Albrecht AE 2990 AFS mods

With propagation on 10m being so good I have been trying to make some contacts using the Albrecht AE2990AFS multimode handheld using a whip antenna. No luck so far, however.

One annoying aspect of the Albrecht is that it tunes in 10kHz steps since it is essentially a CB radio. There is a step control that lets you choose 1kHz or 50Hz tuning steps, but this only works within one 10kHz or 1kHz range. You can’t tune the whole band in these smaller steps. Not only that but the clarifier control (better known to hams as RIT) shifts only the receive frequency and doesn’t have a centre detent so you can never be sure you are calling a station on his exact frequency.

An eBay seller of the Super Radio SS-301 – which seems to be the same radio as the Albrecht under another name – claims that the clarifier works on both TX and RX. So there is presumably a modification that would make the clarifier work like a VXO. But I’m darned if I can find any details of it. Has anyone made such a modification to this radio?

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at

2 Responses to “Albrecht AE 2990 AFS mods”

  • kurt thienes:

    y es I have the albrecht afs ae 2990 cb radio and I would like some help getting the 10 11 and 12 meter ham band and have had trouble programming it into my radio is their any way that I can program my cb radio tothe ham bands by the keypad? Thanks. Kurt.Thienes.

  • Carl F. Schmoyer III:

    I am a Ham operator

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