Amateur Radio Weekly – Field Day Issue
2015 Field Day locator
Field Day is June 27-28, 2015. This page is intended to show public Field Day sites that members of the public and media can visit.
How do you choose where to go for Field Day?
The “get on the air” station is designed to get new hams and members of the general public on the air and let them make contacts.
Good operating habits on Field Day
Give a listen and notice how K5PO keeps the contacts short and to the point, clearly communicating using phonetics.
Significant solar event may impact Field Day
SWPC has issued a Moderate (G2) geomagnetic storm watch for June 27 and 28. This is significantly weaker than the storm that peaked at Severe (G4) levels earlier this week.
Indiana Section ARES / NOAA
W1AW Field Day Bulletin schedule
All classes of Field Day stations can earn 100 bonus points for copying the special Field Day bulletin transmitted by W1AW.
MF demonstration for ARRL Field Day 2015
Many of us that are active Part 5 stations on 630 meters are planning on repeating the Field day greeting event during ARRL Field Day.
Field Day publicity
Club members attempting to tell what’s happening at their Field Day site need to avoid ham radio jargon. “Be ‘less hammy’ about it.”
ISS voice contacts for Field Day 2015?
Possibly no FM voice contacts like we enjoyed last year for Field Day, but program Region 1 and Region 2/3, Packet, and SSTV and be ready–just in case!
Camping and talking this weekend during Field Day
Hams, who set up radio stations outdoors and run them on generators, will try to contact as many stations as possible during a 24-hour period.
The Advertiser
2014 Field Day
Contacts were of a secondary concern this year, as we all focused on experimentation with radios, power, and antennas.
Field Day from space
Astronaut Reid Wiseman (KF5LKT) describes his experience working Field Day from space.
2014 Field Day ISS contact
Surrey Amateur Radio Club makes contact with ISS during last year’s Field Day event.