Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 164
Working 6m Sporadic-E Using a Collinear
This post shows that you don’t need to use a multi-element beam on the 6m band when sporadic-E signals are strong.
Adventures in Ham Radio
JT65’s success. Who’s next?
I’ve also noticed rather empty CW and SSB portions of the band. Even PSK31 signals hard to find, while the JT65 slice is overflowing with signals.
Heathkit’s new RF meter: Who is it for?
The Heathkit product line puzzles us. The electronic kit market isn’t that big compared to the market for PCs or bicycles.
Hack A Day
ADS-B easy antenna picture guide, testing and some wisdom
Some advice on how to optimize, monitor, and upgrade a station should you wish to jump into the ADS-B hole. Remember: antenna location matters the most.
Radio For Everyone
The limits of aluminum antenna tubing
Aluminum comes in varying grades and the Diamond Antenna CP22E demonstrates why not all aluminum is created equal.
Ham Radio . Magnum Experimentum
Android apps for learning Morse Code
I have settled on and use two of them…
Asteroid named after Radio Ham
The International Astronomical Union rewarded the space physicist and radio amateur Asta Pellinen-Wannberg SM3UHV by designating a celestial body in her name, Asteroid 11807 Wannberg.
‘Space sisters’ plan stratospheric eclipse balloon mission
This time, they’re teaming up with the pros at NASA for a flight tied to the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse.
Transoceanic aircraft communication on HF bands
ARINC provides shortwave communications required for transoceanic aviation. This is the San Francisco station. Frequencies change often to meet propagation conditions for different locations.
Ultra portable PSK31/RTTY Ham Radio HF Digital Modem
Ultra portable battery powered digital modem for HF. No need for a laptop and sound card interface.
PL-259 connector installation on a RG-213 (or RG-8) coaxial cable
I’m not the only one using this technique but after 25 years of hamming this is the best one.
Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane
In the case of a nuclear attack, war on the United States, a terrorist attack, this plane becomes the flying Pentagon.