Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 201
Walmart Parking Lots on the Air
WMPLOTA is a special event and award scheme for amateur radio satellite operators that encourages the practice of portable operation in the ubiquitous and easily accessible location of Walmart parking lots.
Using the WiFi chip on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a TX capable SDR
Combined with RPiTX which is a Raspberry Pi tool for transmitting arbitrary RF signals using a GPIO pin between 5 kHz to 1500 MHz, the Raspberry Pi 3B+ may end up becoming a versatile low cost TX SDR just on it’s own.
Special call signs to be on the air for 2018 FIFA World Cup
Special Canadian call sign VB18FIFA will be among those active around the world from June 1 to July 15 for a World Cup 2018 football Amateur Radio “marathon.”
Phone contesting tips for DX contests
This article is prompted by the recent WPX SSB contest, in which I worked thousands of guys from Aruba as P49Y, which engendered much reflection (and teeth-gnashing, to be sure) about how U.S. hams can be best understood from the DX end.
Why does electricity have a sound?
When we’re using electricity in our day to day lives we don’t hear a peep. But at grid scale our electricity system makes a variety of noises.
Dual Band 4/6m Moxon Antenna
My first step was to calculate the dimensions for the driven and reflector elements for my centre frequency of 70.200 (centre of SSB activity on 4m).
M0JCQ’s Ham Blog
The K7TMG HF Morse Code Temperature Beacon
QRPp beacons have been a “thing” of mine for a while now, ever since I put the Sproutie SPT HiFER Beacon on the air, sending it’s 12 wpm SPT ID out continuously on 13558KHz, with a mighty 4.6mW to a much shortened loaded dipole.
After Hurricane Maria, AM radio makes a comeback in Puerto Rico
Desperate for news about the disaster befalling her island, Plaza turned on a battery-powered radio and found that a local radio station, WKJB 710 AM, was maintaining its broadcast.
Columbia Journalism Review
GDPR and Amateur Radio Clubs
Does GDPR apply to amateur radio clubs? From my understanding, yes. Amateur Radio clubs that hold personal data need to be compliant by the 25th of May.
Essex Ham
Loop antennas for AM broadcast band
N1SPY looks at the inner workings of an AM broadcast band receiving loop antenna.
I have my tech license and now reside in 4 country