Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 234
Artist to transmit art via SSTV and HAARP
Amanda Dawn Christie will use the world’s most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter to send art around the world and into outer space.
Concordia University
2 meter square loop antenna
Get on 2m SSB in style with this neat and sturdy plumber’s delight RF projector.
Ham Universe
Part 3 of Ham Radio and condo life
If you have an attic, the best antenna could be the Alpha Delta DX-EE fan dipole.
Photos from the 2019 Charlotte Hamfest
I was very impressed with the turnout–indeed, it was one of the busiest regional hamfests I’ve attended in ages.
The SWLing Post
Radio Hams help isolated settler
IARU Region 2 reports on a short story with a happy ending.
FT8 growing as DX mode in an era of waning propagation
The number of Club Log users uploading at least one FT8 contact to the site grew from 8,000 in 2017 to 14,200 in 2018.
This SDR uses a tube
The tube acts as both an oscillator and mixer, so the receiver is a type of direct conversion receiver.
Hack A Day
2019 State of the Hobby Survey
This benchmark can help us determine what is working and what is not in the ham radio community. This can involve participation, recruitment, mentoring and licensing. It can also help identify new and emerging trends in amateur radio. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share with others in the hobby.
Receiving Cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin on Soyuz MS-12
Using an SDR to listen to Soyuz communications.
The first geostationary satellite for Ham Radio
Here we take a look at the Ham Radio transponders of the new Es’Hail 2 Satellite.