Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 288

Amateur Radio Weekly

MM0UKI adventurers reach Rockall
After defying rough seas, team leader Cam Cameron aims to beat 45-day record for staying on isolated rock.
The Guardian

Museum Ships Weekend
All stations that work at least 15 different ships will receive a certificate.
Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station

International Women in Engineering Day
Celebrate its 10th year in 2023 on June 23rd.
Women’s Engineering Society

Decentralized Amateur Paging Network
DAPNET consists of a decentralized server cluster feeding paging data to distributed transmitters.

Cornbread Road
An audio format short story about a secret society of Hams.

HF summertime propagation
Illumination of the ionosphere with UV varies greatly with time of day and the seasons.

Long-delayed echo
The delay was 1.272 seconds.

The joy of a low-slung wire
Something between 4 and 10 feet off the ground and horizontal in orientation.


Super cheap single pole beam for 21 MHz
Beams can be heavy and bulky so are rarely used by HF portable operators. But not this one!

High power shortwave high in the Andes
HCJB, The Voice of The Andes, was the first radio station with daily programming in Ecuador.
Antique Wireless Museum

[Throwback] Morse Code vs. SMS speed contest on the Tonight Show
K7JA faces off against world text-messaging champ. RIP K7JA.

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One Response to “Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 288”

  • Elwood Downey, WB0OEW:

    I listened to Cornbread Road the first time. Most enjoyable! Recommended.

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