Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 289
Hamvention sets attendance record
Attendance even surpassed the previous pre-pandemic record at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
Some radical thinking
Removing inline fuses between our radio and power supply.
OpenHam Wiki
An open repository of all things Amateur Radio.
Why is GPS free?
I’m a GPS engineer. I’ll answer this in a sort of roundabout way by explaining the history of GPS.
[Podcast] The Ham Radio Guy
Providing education and news to the Ham Radio community, including discussion with Bob Heil, volunteering, and more.
The Ham Radio Guy
Six Meters — How I Love It!
Case in point, I’ve worked 24 grids in Argentina.
Lewis and Clark Trail on the Air through Jun 18th
This special event is an on air activity that commemorates the historic Lewis and Clark Trail.
Lewis and Clark Trail on the Air
Installing AllStarLink on a Dell Wyse 3040
How to, plus some tips and tricks that make it easier.
Random Wire
One-way radio
KE9V ponders whether two-way radio has become boring.
No cellphone? No problem!
Ham Radio users, from teenagers to eightysomethings, are ready to communicate in the next crisis.
The Gaurdian
The perils of the Flipper Zero
Flipper Zero user lets the magic smoke out of smart electric meter.
POTA activation + wildfire smoke
The overcast smokey skies definitely effected my signal reports.