Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 306

Amateur Radio Weekly

First worked all states certificate awarded for the 33-cm band
W5LUA’s 38-year quest to contact all 50 states on the 33-centimeter band has ended.
Dedicated to providing free email hosting for all licensed Ham Radio operators globally.

An upside down antenna?
A Zepp is basically a quarter-wave length of window line.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Boondock Echo RF recorder
Records transmissions, stores recordings in the cloud.
Boondock Echo

Nucleo-64 development board
RF transceiver 150 MHz to 960 MHz frequency range.

Add your Amateur Radio certification to your LinkedIn profile
Adding your Ham license requires only a few steps.

POTA: Contest or operating event?
It comes down to whatever floats your boat.

Morning by the bay
An early shift activation at K-3429, then meet the train at 8:30 am.


ARDOP protocol for Winlink
ARDOP is a free, Open Source alternative to PACTOR and VARA HF.
KM6LYW Radio

Sunset over Mount Saint Helens
2 meter contacts while flying over Mount Saint Helens.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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