Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 331

Amateur Radio Weekly

FlexRadio announces FLEX-8400M transceiver
The FLEX-8400M offers the latest direct sampling SDR technology with a high-resolution display and ergonomic controls.

ICOM hint at new 60th anniversary X60 product
At the Dayton Hamvention this weekend, ICOM put on display a number of printed circuit boards from what is supposed to be the 60th Anniversary Concept Model X60.

CubeSatSim Kits available at Hamvention
Available online, soon. We ask for your help in testing the new hardware and software and making sure that all the instructions and documentation are accurate.

National VOA Museum of Broadcasting extended hours during Hamvention
Our Amateur Radio station WC8VOA will be on the air to operate.
Amateur Radio Daily

Open Source in Amateur Radio wiki
This resource is dedicated to providing information about open-source software and hardware as well as free home-brew projects for Amateur Radio enthusiasts.

Photon Radio
Provable technology for high speed digital communications of 1Mbit/sec in the HF bands.
Photon Radio

What’s new at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications
4,000+ manuals, DX-pedition video tapes, 109 radio books from MIT, more…
Zero Retries

Using AI to generate modern QSL cards
Having never used any form of online AI and not having any artistic abilities I was amazed how easy it was to create images using nothing more than a paragraph or so of text to describe what it was I wanted to create.

In-depth story of the QO-100 Newfoundland QSO
UK-based Malayali ham travels to Marconi’s hill, cracks Radio Amateurs’ North American riddle.


Radio wave propagation on Mars
A look at how radio wave propagation works on Mars and what makes it different than Earth.
Mike N2MAK

Iridium satellite decoding with an Airspy, RTL-SDR Blog patch antenna and DragonOS
Iridium was first decoded with low cost hardware by security researchers back in 2016.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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