Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 334

Amateur Radio Weekly

The gradual normalization of automated FT8
The one-man FT4GL DXpedition on Glorioso is ground-breaking.

Ham Map
A map that shows WWFF, POTA, SOTA, and GMA references.

QO-100 satellite ground station complete build
My QO-100 satellite ground station is built around my little Icom IC-705 QRP transceiver, it’s a great little rig and is ideal for the purpose of driving a 2.4Ghz transverter/up-converter.

Noise management on Field Day
One bad apple can really be aggravating, so here are a few techniques you can use to keep the peace.

CQ Pride special event June 7-17
An Amateur Radio event intended to celebrate pride month, support inclusion in Amateur Radio, and to enjoy some time on the air.
Pride Radio Group

11 Meter Field Day is June 29
The EPFD is a radio sports event which involves Freeband enthusiasts uniting for a day or 2 in the great outdoors—armed with a portable station—and chasing DX.
Delta Alfa

First time net control
My first time ever being net control and it was a blast.

Amateur Radio making a comeback in Northwest Missouri
Missouri Valley Amateur Radio Club takes steps to increase membership.

NI1Q’s long-awaited Elecraft KH1: Worth the wait?
After 126 days, a long-awaited unboxing: The KH1 arrives.

A reason to get on the air
What motivates you to get on the air?


TX Factor celebrates 10 years with 30th episode
Bob G0FGX demonstrates the Groundstation 2 from DX Patrol in the first of a two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 geostationary satellite.
TX Factor

Portrait of a scientific glassblower
Jim Breen, the highly-skilled artisan, has created glass apparatuses and other vessels for Berkeley researchers — not just those in chemistry.
UC Berkeley

The greatest clock (and map) ever made
I needed to restore a Geochron World Clock, which first meant learning how they work.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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