Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 336

Amateur Radio Weekly

Field Day locator
This page is intended to show public Field Day sites that members of the public and media can visit.

ARRL Field Day information and rules
Field Day is Ham Radio’s open house.

Effective Field Day operating
Operating at Field Day is a lot different than operating a home station—and that’s more than half the fun.

Broadcast network coverage of 1948 ARRL Field Day
You will hear extended coverage of several Field Day locations, with excellent background material.
Radio Relay International

Set your QSL card as your IC-705 startup screen
Upload an image using an SD card.

Do Hams still listen to shortwave?
They do in Canada.

The May 10th superstorm electrified Earth’s atmosphere
Superstorm zaps the global electric circuit.

The future of Ham Radio: Palmer Junior Middle School’s Ham Club
A budding group of young students have just taken up the torch of Ham Radio.
BridgeCom Systems

Digital only POTA activation using FT8 on the sBitx V3
I wanted to see how hard it would be to get the activation only on FT8.


How does Starlink satellite internet work?
A Starlink satellite zooms across the sky at 27,000km/hr.
Branch Education

DIY 6 meter Moxon antenna
Boost your summer VHF fun.

Cassette box size 50MHz SSB, AM, CW transceiver
Homemade small transceiver for SOTA operation.
7L4WVU Homemade radio

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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