Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 341

Amateur Radio Weekly

First M17 based radios begin shipping
Connect Systems has begun shipping the first radios that operate M17 out of the box.
Amateur Radio Daily

The rich history of Ham Radio culture
To really belong, you’re going to have to go along with the standard operating procedures universally accepted by Radio Amateurs.
MIT Press

Successful AREDN link
If you pick up something just to learn the thing, you likely won’t go far with it.

VHF/UHF handheld performance comparison
Comparing performance in sensitivity, dynamic range, and adjacent channel rejection.

What is the difference between a counterpoise and a radial in a vertical antenna?
In the context of vertical antennas, both counterpoises and radials are used to improve the efficiency and radiation pattern of the antenna by providing a ground system.

The baked potato radial
Would a Mylar blanket work the same way as the Faraday cloth?

The best reasons to build a go-box
It saves time in the field and helps to ensure nothing is left behind in the shack.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

TD-H3 VHF/UHF radio
You can think of this as an improved Baofeng UV-5R.

A one-of-a-kind shortwave radio station
WBCQ is probably the only shortwave, AM, and FM combination radio station in the United States.

DLARC adds over 1,300 items to new college radio collection
Materials in the collection include ‘zines, radio station program guides, flyers, playlists, correspondence, books, academic theses, magazines, and more.
Internet Archive

Is shortwave on life support?
Today, the shortwave landscape is a mere shadow of itself.


Hustler 6BTV antenna on a dock
Unleashing the power of my 6BTV vertical antenna mounted on a dock over salt water.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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