Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 342

Amateur Radio Weekly

Sunspot counts hit a 23-year high
The sun is partying like it’s 2001.

Climate change and Amateur Radio
It is an important topic and it does affect many aspects of our Amateur Radio hobby.
The Random Wire

Providing real time space weather news and data from various sources, all in one location for easy navigation.

Help me make a Ham zine
Let’s make this a community effort.

Charging your laptop or tablet off-grid
I always suggest taking an adapter which has a minimum of 60-watts, 5-20 volt 3-5 amps on the USB-C power delivery port.
Off Grid Ham

Beyond the beacon: Discovering the unexpected benefits of WSPR
You can use the data that’s generated by the WSPR network to check your own antenna’s performance for transmitting and receiving.

Unexpected X- and C-shaped structures in the atmosphere
When bubbles, crests or solar storms disrupt the plasma distribution in the ionosphere, radio signals passing through the atmospheric layer can be changed, lost, or fade away.


D-Star, DMR, C4FM, explained
For newcomers in digital Amateur Radio communications, getting familiar with all the terms, modes, and reflectors can be very confusing.

Introduction to mobile POTA operations
A guide to activations in the park.
Ham Radio Prep

Contesting for Technicians
HF contesting for Technician Class Ham Radio Operators.

History of an FCC monitoring station
With a Former FCC trainer, Ham, and engineer.
Ham Radio Perspectives

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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