Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 346

Amateur Radio Weekly

The highest sunspot number in 23 years
Fall 2001 was the last time sunspot counts were this high.

APRS Foundation accepting members
Becoming a member helps secure the future of APRS and assists with the foundation’s operating costs.
Amateur Radio

National Traffic System celebrates 75 years
As NTS 2.0 emerges to modernize the radiogram system, ARRL takes a look back at the origin of NTS which began in 1949.

2024 Route 66 On The Air
This year marks the 25th year of this great radio event.
Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club

US government-issued alerts via AllstarLink, HAMVOIP, myGMRS, GMRS Live, and more.

The September – October SARC Communicator
Projects and articles in this issue including a CW decoder, an HF amplifier, and a web server for HamClock using an inexpensive Raspberry Pi Zero.

A return to Ham Radio
My dad was thinking about whether I’d have any interest in his Ham Radio callsign when the time comes that he becomes a silent key.

A brief history of barbed wire fence telephone networks
In need of a practical way to overcome social isolation; communicate emergencies, weather, and crop prices; and chafing under attempts to curtail free speech, ranchers and farmers began to take advantage of the growing ubiquity of both telephone sets and barbed wire fencing.

Amid wildfires and spotty cell service, Northstate residents turn to Ham Radios
Head even 20 minutes into the mountains from cities like Redding, Red Bluff, and Chico, and you’ll quickly lose cell phone service.


From zero to APRS in 10 minutes
Let’s build an APRS packet igate in under 10 minutes for just 99 dollars.
KM6LYW Radio

900MHz POTA – Leave no band behind
Operating on 902.300 MHz FM using an Alinco DJ-G29 HT and a DMS Wireless YA90014 Yagi antenna.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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