Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 349

Amateur Radio Weekly

FT8 Superfox cracked
DXpedition security key has been cracked.
ICQ Podcast

Hurricane Watch Net: How Ham Radio Operators track storms
A real-life example: Hurricane Beryl
Ham Radio Prep

SDR Television
A pure software solution for DVB-S2 H.264 / H.265 / AAC digital television receive and transmit.

SolderSmoke Daily News experimental podcast
Short form Ham Radio Podcast experiments with AI.
SolderSmoke Daily News

Handie-Talkie or Walkie-Talkie?
Motorola trademarked the name Handie-Talkie and used that nomenclature for many years.

Is Tesla the “inventor of radio”? No Marconi was
Tesla cannot be considered the “inventor of radio” based on the 1943 Supreme Court ruling.

NVIS for EMCOMM and survival communications
In practical terms, this distance is 50-500 miles.
Off Grid Ham

High School Radio Club collects time zones
Students were active on the D-Star network speaking to other operators from across the world.

The history of microbroadcasting and how you can too
The untapped potential of Amateur Radio.
Lori Emerson

FCC escalates enforcement of pirate radio in Miami, NYC metro area
Commission carries out three fines, has three more proposed.
Radio World


ARRL Director provides additional details around ARRL systems disruption
Editors note: ARRL released a statement describing portions of these details as not factual.
Southeastern DX Club

2024 Oregon SOTA Campout
Summits on the Air Activators and Chasers alike descended upon Howard Prairie Campground for the annual SOTA campout.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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