Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 374
Bandplan Generator
Allows completely customizable frequency ranges and segments generating a well-designed plan for screen or print.
HamCam FrontDoor
Video chat rooms for licensed Ham Radio operators.
What’s new at Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications
The library has grown to 149,500 items. 19.5 terabytes of information. We scanned 1.1 million pages in 2024 alone.
Zero Retries
“Bloody Saturday” at Voice of America
All full-time staffers at the Voice of America are on indefinite suspension.
The electrolytic capacitor plague
What happened to capacitors in 2002?
SolderSmoke Daily News
HamSCI Workshop 2025: A little bit of citizen science-ing
WSPR transmissions from my location were received at longer distances at the maximum obscuration of the sun.
Work at club repeater site results in Ham’s termination
Club accused of pulling free electricity.
Lewiston Tribune
Mount Juliet Simplex Society
A unique approach to Amateur Radio.
What can we do to get youth into Ham Radio?
Showing kids that there are other young people in Amateur Radio is by far the most effective way to get them interested.
DIY antenna from scrap material
Building a 2 meter antenna from scrap material found around the house.
ZeenKo log periodic antenna 400MHz to 8GHz
A fiberglass antenna with a wide frequency range of 400 MHz to 8 GHz.
sdrberry UI for SDR on Raspberry Pi
This user interface is just gorgeous!
Tech Minds