Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 58

The hidden FM radio inside your pocket, and why you can’t use it
You may not know it but most of today’s smartphones have FM radios inside of them. But the FM chip is not activated on two-thirds of devices. That’s because mobile makers have the FM capability switched off.
Google Shakeup & Amateur Radio Clubs
We take a quick look at how these changes may impact amateur radio websites, and how without action, some of our amateur radio club websites may be even harder to find after this change by Google.
Essex Ham
Rookie Roundup roundup
The South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club ran a station for the ARRL Rookie Roundup.
ITTY: Internet Teletype
With today’s streaming audio over the Internet, George, W7TTY has come up with a scheme that allows him to broadcast teletype news over the Internet 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Tinkering with the Credit Card Crystal Radio
All that is required is connecting the high-impedance earphone, earth/ground and aerial/antenna to the board. Since all of these components can be connected with the supplied alligator clip cables, getting it on the air took all of 20 seconds.
SWLing Post
ISS 2395 MHz Digital Amateur TV blank transmission test
Please monitor the 2395 MHz at 2.0 Ms/s frequency and tell everyone as soon as you observe it.
How to
Turning a wireless router into an SDR
OpenWRT is a special custom Linux based firmware designed to create a fully functional Linux system on a internet router by replacing the stock firmware. Since OpenWRT is Linux based, it is possible to install the RTL-SDR software and run it on the router itself.
Ham Radio Mobile in 1984
The late Don Wallace, W6AM, was interviewed in 1984 by Wayne Overbeck, N6NB, for the PBS series, “Radio Collector.”
California Historical Radio Society
D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android App
Our latest video about D-STAR features Don Turner (G4TKR) who is being interviewed by Bob McCreadie (G0FGX) of TX Films.
Arduino comparison guide
Thinking about getting started with Arduino but not sure where to start? Look no further! We’ve put together this handy guide to help you pick the right microcontroller for your project.
SparkFun Electronics
Homebrew D-STAR repeater