Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 67
Field Day 2015 round-up
All female amateur radio group on Field Day
The Southern Mississippi YL Amateur Radio Club formed in 2008 to encourage women to get more involved.
W3AO Field Day
Wind and rain cannot stop us from broadcasting. Even a “little” rain, like close to four inches on Saturday. Our annual weekend emergency ops practice, aka Field Day, went on as planned.
(photos) W3AO Field Day 2015
(video) Field Day 2015 – QRP with the Yaesu FT-817 in the pouring rain
How many contacts can be made with QRP SSB during Field Day using a modest station in bad weather? Join me and let’s find out.
Field Day Results
Field Day is not really about A-list operators, it’s an event for the every-man.
(video) Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club practices in event of crisis
It’s mostly for fun, but this radio field day has a purpose too, and that’s to keep everyone prepared in the event of a crisis.
Top links
FCC invites comments on rules for new LF and MF amateur allocations
The FCC is inviting comments on its recent proposals to authorize Amateur Radio operation on two new bands – an LF allocation at 135.7 to 137.8 kHz (2200 meters), and an MF allocation at 472-479 kHz (630 meters).
FreeDV 700
We’ve just released FreeDV v0.98 GUI software, which includes the new FreeDV 700 mode. This new mode has poorer speech quality than FreeDV 1600 but is far more robust, close to SSB on low SNR fading HF channels. Mel Whitten and the test team have made contacts over 1000 km using just 1 Watt!
Hawaii, Washington State QSO on 2 meters
The difficult and rare path between Washington state and Hawaii has been worked in the past … lastly in 1995, when some alert ‘7s’ found themselves in KH6HME’s logbook.
HamShield for Arduino (VHF/UHF transceiver)
The HamShield supports both voice and packet radio modes through a wide range of VHF and UHF frequencies: 2 meter (144-148 MHz), 1.25 meter (220-225 MHz), and 70 centimeter (420-450 MHz).
A Maker’s introduction to Ham Radio
First, you’re a Maker, so you already have a lot in common with the ham radio community. Hams are tinkerers, builders, fixers, and inventors by nature.
RF Breakout Kit for the Raspberry Pi
An expansion board supplied as a self-assembly kit, designed for experiments with the Raspberry Pi as a radio frequency source or radio transmitter using the programmable clock generator built into the Pi’s processor.
(podcast) 100 Watts and a Wire
100 Watts and a Wire is a program celebrating amateur radio through the eyes of a new ham. The show will feature topical conversation and interviews, news and an entertaining look at the adventures of a ham trying to figure it all out.
Senate sponsor of Parity Act said bill promotes equality
US Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), who sponsored “The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015” in the Senate, had said the bill he introduced, with original cosponsor Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), would allow for transparency and equality in the regulatory process.
How to
Building an APRS IGate
Setting up an IGate is an easy way to contribute to the strength and utility of the APRS network without overwhelming the RF side of things.
Using the RTL-SDR as a transmitter
After performing the hack the RTL-SDR is able to output a signal anywhere between 1.8 GHz to 3 GHz.