Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 68
Ham donates Andy Warhol print to the ARRL
“Myths: Superman 1981” — will be sold at auction and the proceeds used to create “The Dave Bell, W6AQ, Endowment Fund” to benefit the League.
Seen any hams on ‘new media’ lately?
What I never hear is any mention of ham radio.
HF mobile antenna installs
The single biggest factor with respect to efficiency for any mobile is ground loss, so maximizing this half of the antenna system is essential.
Amateur Radio becomes Primary on 1900-2000 kHz
The FCC action with respect to 1900-2000 kHz reduces the possibility that we might suffer in the future from new radiolocation deployments.
Tracksoar: The open source APRS tracker
It has a UBLOX MAX-M8Q GPS receiver for precise high speed location data, with a compact and lightweight chip antenna.
CQ World Wide VHF Contest
1800 UTC Saturday, July 18 through 2100 UTC Sunday, July 19.
CQ Communications
A “clean sweep” of the 13 Colonies
I guess a few years makes a difference. Back in 2012, as a complete ham radio newbie, I worked about 2-3 of these 13 Colonies stations.
Fldigi configuration backup generator
Restoring your settings for a new or recovery installation is simple.
Mac Ham Radio
Use SSB for better VHF range on SOTA peaks
For serious VHF work, 75 miles is not that great of a distance but we were running QRP power levels with small yagi antennas.
Hacking computers: Using an SDR receiver and a piece of pita bread
Security researchers at Tel Aviv University have demonstrated how to extract secret decryption keys from computers by capturing radio emissions of laptop computers.
Lessons from a 10 mile hike
Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. This hike taught me a few lessons that I will carry forward on future hikes.
How to operate FO-29 using a single Yaesu FT-817
How-to video demonstrating the basic concept of working amateur radio satellite FO-29 semi-duplex using a single Yaesu FT-817 2m and 70cm all mode transceiver.