Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 94

ISS SSTV activity today
The SSTV transmissions will be made from the amateur radio station located in the Russian Service Module of the ISS using the callsign RS0ISS.

Review: Heathkit Explorer Jr. GR-150 TRF AM radio receiver kit
The Explorer Jr. manual is very nicely done, spiral-bound, and very reminiscent of the old Heathkit manuals in terms of layout and detail.
The SWLing Post

Number of Ham Radio licenses to reach 750,000 by 2017
The number of unexpired amateur radio licenses in the United States was 733,594 in November 2015, an annual growth rate of 1.05% and five year growth rate of 4.52%.

A stealthy HOA HamStick directional dipole
This is a sneak peek at the project and I will follow up with a very detailed build, tune and operation on 20 and 40 meters bands using both Phone and digital PSK31.
Prepared Ham

USB rechargeable AA batteries
Featuring the same lithium polymer chemistry of your smarthphone, these AA and AAA batteries can be plugged directly into USB for charging.

Retirement and Ham Radio
What I have come to learn is that Monday is just as good a day as Saturday and weekend crowds are to be avoided. There are no crowds on Tuesdays.

MyAPRS: APRS app for iOS
A modern APRS app for iOS users with model detection, frequency detection, and C4FM highlights.

Splat! scripts
Scripts to run the Splat! radio terrain mapping tool.

Recent Ham attack
The weather station was taken down for test, and upon investigation, the source of the problem was quickly discovered to be a result of squirrel sabotage.
Essex Ham


The Russian Woodpecker documentary now online
An enormous secret Soviet weapon that stands in the shadow of Chernobyl, and which Kremlinologists in the 1980s thought might be a giant mind-control device.

Moonbounce/EME Project Diana 70th anniversary special event
This is a narrated compilation of videos taken on 10 January 2016 at a special event that commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the US Army Signal Corp’s Project Diana.

Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at

One Response to “Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 94”

  • Roger G3XBM:

    Looks like Heathkit have work to do to become excellent. Sadly, there is no place in the amateur radio kit market for the “must do better” brigade. Heathkit HAVE to be excellent, competitively priced and have a range of kits that people want or they will not be around very long. I once owned 2 different Heathkits and they were first class. I really hope they make a good comeback. See for my comments on Heathkit.

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