And so it begins…

The New Year (UTC time) begins just after 5 PM local time and when I’ll begin my 2014 QSO A Day challenge.  I successfully completed a QSO a Day back in 2012 and it was a lot of fun.  It also helped me meet several smaller goals of achieving my first WAS and build on my DXCC list. 

For 2014, I’ve stepped up my goals slightly and would like to achieve WAS in six different categories and of course also move me closer to DXCC. 

I have a brand new QSL card which I’ll start using in the new year (shown below).  Randy Dorman, KB3IFH did an excellent job on the card.  If you need QSL cards for the new year, please contact Randy.  You won’t be disappointed.


I also have to get back on track with my diet and exercise routines.  I had a stumble on the ice just after Thanksgiving and have been moving slower than normal and consuming more “comfort food” than I should.  However, with the new year comes new goals and new energy to achieve these goals.  The back and tailbone are better and I’m ready to get back to 10,000 Steps per Day.

Happy New Year!  Happy Amateur Radio!



Jerry Taylor, KD0BIK, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. He is the host of the Practical Amateur Radio Podcast. Contact him at

3 Responses to “And so it begins…”

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Gerry, I hope you are feeling better from the fall soon. Happy New year to you and your family.

  • Ken N7KO:

    I wish you the best installing the Hustler 4btv, my first HF antenna is a Hustler 6btv, ran many wires just below ground surface for counter poise.

    I picked up a lot of noise no mater what I tried, city location does not help, I guess. I do not use it any longer, I suppose I should take it down at some point.

    Verticals I am told is very good for DX. Hope you have better results than I. the 4btv is a better choice then the 6btv that includes 80 meters, because it is so narrow band it is not worth the extra money.

  • Cliff KU4GW:

    I have a 5BTV I’m hoping to install this fall. Have you saw the installation manual PDF from DX Engineering? It has a lot of great tips! They’re charging, I think it’s $7.99 for it now, but if you’d like a free copy drop me an email to my address listed on my QRZ profile and I’ll either email you a copy or upload it to Google Drive and send you a link to download it from there. “Happy Independence Day & Very 73 de Cliff, KU4GW”

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