Another CW contest in the books…….
This year's North American QSO party was more of a relaxed event. Kevin on his propagation site informs his readers that the largest geomagnetic storm in cycle
24's history just took place. It was close to a G4
level when you add this to my QRP attic antenna setup the
contest is now a relaxed event. Out this way 10 meters was dead I did
check back now and then but there was nothing. 15 meters was good for
about 8 contacts most were at the noise floor (which was about S4) So
this made for fading and copying was a long process, patience's at both ends of the
contact were in order. As always 20 and 40 meters were the places to be in times
of solar unrest. As I said this was a contest of
enjoyment and relaxation so the event ended for me around 6 pm local
time. It was time for dinner and a movie with Julie. I was able to
make 42 contacts on 20 meters. I never made it to 40 meters but
checked in on it now and then and lots of activity was to be had
I always like to take something away with
me from the contests. This time around I have to admit I
was just a little shocked how hard it was for me to copy contest code
in around the 25 WPM range. For some reason in the past I remember
this was no problem....hmmmm. I found myself slowing down to recopy
call's and the exchange as well. Turning 51 I guess has some
surprises that come along with it. I was reading in John AE5X blog about a program call CW Freak may just have to invest some time in
that it seems.
Well here is how the contest breakdown
Band QSO SEC Points Total Points Total QSO's
15m 8 8 8
20m 42 24 42 16,00 50