Another Doh! moment

I have found the solution to a problem that had been bugging me for ages: Omni-Rig did not work with JT65-HF. It was not a major bother for me as it could be worked around by the simple expedient of setting the frequency manually. But after an episode yesterday when I thought I was on 15m and was actually on 20m I decided to look at the issue again.

The solution turned out to be very simple and I stumbled across it by accident. You must start OmniRig before you start JT65-HF! That may seem obvious, but in fact other programs that use Omni-Rig manage to do so without it being run first. Which is why it never occurred to me to try that before. Doh!

Unfortunately the communication between the programs only works one way. JT65-HF can read the frequency from the rig using Omni-Rig but it can’t set it. As I have the JT65-HF source I took a quick look to see if I could fix the problem, but it would not be easy. A major discouragement to tinker with the source code is the fact that the newly-compiled program breaks the link between HT65-HF and JT-Alert. So I am not going to venture down that road. When it comes down to it I’d rather have my alerts than have rig control.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “Another Doh! moment”

  • Michael N5TGL:


    Actually, the problem extends beyond omni-rig. I run JT65-HF through HRD and it can’t set the QRG either. Sure would be convenient if it did. Hopefully ‘CQZ will get well enough to continue development soon.


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