Antenna Ideas: Please Keep ‘em Coming!

After last week’s plea for antenna ideas for my antenna restricted condo, I received a good number of comments both on and off blog. Thanks for those… great food for thought. That is why I enjoy our QRP community. We don’t hesitate to share ideas with one another.

This morning as I took my daily walk around the lake, I met our condo association president. He graciously is allowing me to sink a pipe that will serve as a base to set up my Jackite poles in the backyard. I will be able to pop a cap on the top and keep the dirt and water out and just slide my fiberglass poles into the mount and be on the air in no time. YAHOO… that is a pretty good solution for now.

cpole antenna

C Pole Antenna by W0VLZ

But being the antenna tweak that I am, I continue to look for the best alternatives I can find. I’ve started to put together the parts for the C Pole antenna that Niel W0VLZ pointed out to me. He has a fine site with lots of good QRP info too.

So, do you have another idea that can top that one? Or maybe you have a thought for what kind of vertical setup I might use with the new mount?

I’m standing by for my next project assignment.


Kelly K4UPG

Kelly McClelland, K4UPG, is a regular contributor to and writes from Florida, USA. Contact him at

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