Apologies for my absence.
But during the past week, we had another family milestone event. The last of our parents, my mother-in-law, Nora Dunmyer, passed away last Monday. The funeral was this past Friday. Needless to say, it was a hectic week – mostly for my wife Marianne and her brother, Tim.
Obviously, the photo above was taken on the day of our wedding (14 years ago, when I was much thinner and my hair had way less gray in it). In the photo, my father-in-law, Joe is standing next to Marianne, and my mother-in-law, Nora is standing next to me. She was a wonderful woman who was born in Donegal, Ireland into a large family. Of all her brothers and sisters, only she and her brother Harry Gallagher came to the United States. As a young woman she earned a degree in teaching. She taught reading and English in the Catholic Schools system in New York City and in various communities in Northern New Jersey, for many, many years.
She was an inspiration to many of her young students, who have since grown up to lead responsible, productive lives. And several of them contacted Marianne this past week, via Facebook, to let her know how important her mother, “Mrs. Dunmyer” was to them. That has to be about the nicest tribute anyone can pay. To touch lives in a significant way was her gift. She will be missed.
On a side note, Marianne still has plenty of cousins and a few aunts and uncles still living in Ireland. One of her uncles was a Ham, although Marianne cannot recall his call sign. From the times she has visited the Emerald Isle, though, she was able to tell me about the tower he had on the side of his house, and unfortunately, also about the time it was struck by lightning and how the house almost burned down as a result.
Needless to say, there was no radio activity of any kind this past week. I had hoped to play in the 4 States QRP Group 4X4 Sprint yesterday, but that was not to be. However, an e-mail today on QRP-L from Hank N8XX reminded me that the QRP ARCI Fall QRP QSO Party is next weekend. So while that is not a portable event by any stretch of the imagination (although there’s no reason it couldn’t be if you wanted) I hope to make a semi-significant effort if time allows. There’s no way in Heaven that I will be able to operate anywhere near the 24 hours out of 36 allowed.
A) I just have too much going on which precludes that possibility.
B) And even if “A” were not true, my butt would preclude the rest of my body from sitting in a chair that long.
So I will be happy if I manage to get 4 to 6, perhaps even 8 hours in of “giving out points”. Hope to hear you on the bands next weekend!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
I am so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family.