April 2016 QRP Operating Wrap-Up

It was another pretty active month on the radio for me and my KX3.  I have now operated portable 22 times – with my goal being 45 for the year – I think I will make it no problem!

I continued this month really having fun with the SKCC QSO’s and chasing members for my first 100 SKCC contacts so I could claim the Centurion Award.  I ended the month with 83 total contacts toward my ‘C’ – just 17 more and I will be there.

With WES coming up this weekend I should be able to get there in short order!

So here is the recap on the MONTHLY numbers:

Total QSO’s all modes: 81

Total CW QSO’s: 75
Total PSK31 QSO’s: 6

Total SKCC QSO’s: 65

I apologize to those I have worked but have not documented here on the blog during my portable operations – but sometimes lack of time gets the best of me!

A couple DX highlights from this month – I worked ZL2BLQ in New Zealand on 15 meters and LW3EX on 10 meters with just 5 watts and my portable QRP antenna from a local park!

Even with these poor propagation conditions, I am still having a blast with just 5 watts and a wire!

Burke Jones, NØHYD, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Kansas, USA. Contact him at burkejones@gmail.com.

One Response to “April 2016 QRP Operating Wrap-Up”

  • Dave k8WPE:

    Re your portable antenna, hope I am not too late. If it is working like you say don’t examine it with an antenna analyzer. It will just make you frustrated and you will start to tinker with it. I too use an Earchi and Jackite 31 foot pole with good results. For years I didn’t have an analyzer and life was good. If I could hear them I could work them. Now I waste time analyzing everything and I don’t get out any better.

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