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FT8CN V0.87 release
FT8CN user manual translated to English
Using Google translate, I uploaded the whole Chinese FT8CN V0.83 user manual PDF file. Except for the illustrations, it has managed to translate the whole file quite successfully to English.
There is enough information for most to get an understanding of all of it's modes, uses and information.
Download a copy from here
Matoa ISina 5 Band HF
We live in very exciting times for new Amateur products. You have only got to blink these days and a new rig appears on the horizon.
It makes a change not to see the normal Chinese output, but this time what appears to be from Indonesia.
Specification is sparse at the moment, but 5W QRP and 5 wide HF Bands on offer:
1. Band1 3-5 MHz
2. Band2 6-8 MHz
3. Band3 11-14.5 MHz
4. Band4 15-23 MHz
5. Band5 24-30 MHz
I have also seen them being traded on
Price appears to be around $250
FT8CN and the QDX
It is being reported on the QRP Labs forum, that some have got the little smart QDX digital transceiver communicating with the FT8CN app.
The rig is noticed straight away by FT8CN using an OTG USB lead and a minimum of configuring.
The QDX and a small phone or tablet, allow true FT8 portable operating with minimum hardware to cart around.
Pick up the thread here
Details about the QDX