So, You Want to Get into the Ham Radio Hobby

Come spend some time with me in this ride-along video blog episode, the first in a series that I am doing to help you begin your journey into the amateur radio hobby. This video is an experiment in that I am trying out this format as a type of “chat” in which I share my thoughts and experiences regarding the ham radio hobby, and how you might start out exploring the hobby.

Regarding the experiment: I have tried to edit the sound to reduce the road noise. Please comment on the noise level, and how well you can hear me talking about the topic. Should I ditch the ride-along format? Comments directly on the YouTube channel are better if you leave a comment on the actual video as displayed on my YouTube channel.


73 de NW7US


What is an Amateur Radio Repeater and How Do They Work?

What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work?

In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater.  This is a vlog (video blog) entry on my video channel, and it is shot in a relaxed, “ride along with me” format. Feel free to share this short overview with those who might be interested in our hobby.  There are more of these sorts of ridealongs coming.

Thank you for watching, and for sharing…


Weekly Propagation Summary – 2016 Oct 17 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2016 Oct 17 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2016 Oct 10 0105 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 03 – 09 October 2016

Solar activity was at very low levels with a few background flares observed from Regions 2598 (N14, L=174, class/area Dai/140 on 07 Oct), 2599 (S14, L=144, class/area Cko/460 on 05 Oct) and 2600 (N13, L=105, class/area Cso/110 on 09 Oct). On 08 Oct, between 08/1500-1700 UTC, a 10 degree long filament erupted in the NE quadrant centered near N38E40. A slow-moving, asymmetric, partial-halo CME was observed in LASCO C2 imagery, first visible at 09/0048 UTC.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at high levels during the entire summary period. A maximum of 32,138 pfu was observed at 03/1640 UTC.

Geomagnetic field activity was highlighted by mostly unsettled to active levels on 03-05 Oct. An isolated minor storm (G1-Minor) period was observed early on 04 Oct. Mostly quiet levels were observed from 04-09 Oct with isolated unsettled and active periods were observed early on 07 and 08 Oct, respectively. The enhanced geomagnetic activity was due to high speed winds from a recurrent positive polarity coronal hole. Some further enhancement occurred early on 04 Oct due to CME effects from an eruptive filament observed early on 01 Oct.

The solar wind environment began the period at about 500 km/s, increased to near 600 km/s midday on 04 Oct and slowly decreased to end the period at about 370 km/s. Total field generally ranged from 2-6 nT with a peak of 10 nt observed midday on 04 Oct. The Bz component was mostly variable between +/- 6 nT. Phi angle was in a general positive orientation throughout the period.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 10 October – 05 November 2016

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a chance for C-class flare activity throughout the outlook period.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels on 10-11, 16-18, 24-26, 30-31 Oct and 01-06 Nov increasing to very high levels on 27-29 Oct. This is due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Normal to moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 11-18, 23-31 Oct and 01 Nov. G1 (Minor) field activity is possible on 13-15, 17 and 23-31 Oct with G2 (Moderate) levels possible on 24-26 Oct. This activity is due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Additional enhancement to the field is expected on 13-14 Oct due to CME effects from the 08 Oct filament eruption. Generally quiet to unsettled conditions are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.

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Weekly Propagation Summary – 2016 Oct 10 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2016 Oct 10 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2016 Oct 10 0105 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 03 – 09 October 2016

Solar activity was at very low levels with a few background flares observed from Regions 2598 (N14, L=174, class/area Dai/140 on 07 Oct), 2599 (S14, L=144, class/area Cko/460 on 05 Oct) and 2600 (N13, L=105, class/area Cso/110 on 09 Oct). On 08 Oct, between 08/1500-1700 UTC, a 10 degree long filament erupted in the NE quadrant centered near N38E40. A slow-moving, asymmetric, partial-halo CME was observed in LASCO C2 imagery, first visible at 09/0048 UTC.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at high levels during the entire summary period. A maximum of 32,138 pfu was observed at 03/1640 UTC.

Geomagnetic field activity was highlighted by mostly unsettled to active levels on 03-05 Oct. An isolated minor storm (G1-Minor) period was observed early on 04 Oct. Mostly quiet levels were observed from 04-09 Oct with isolated unsettled and active periods were observed early on 07 and 08 Oct, respectively. The enhanced geomagnetic activity was due to high speed winds from a recurrent positive polarity coronal hole. Some further enhancement occurred early on 04 Oct due to CME effects from an eruptive filament observed early on 01 Oct.

The solar wind environment began the period at about 500 km/s, increased to near 600 km/s midday on 04 Oct and slowly decreased to end the period at about 370 km/s. Total field generally ranged from 2-6 nT with a peak of 10 nt observed midday on 04 Oct. The Bz component was mostly variable between +/- 6 nT. Phi angle was in a general positive orientation throughout the period.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 10 October – 05 November 2016

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a chance for C-class flare activity throughout the outlook period.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels on 10-11, 16-18, 24-26, 30-31 Oct and 01-06 Nov increasing to very high levels on 27-29 Oct. This is due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Normal to moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 11-18, 23-31 Oct and 01 Nov. G1 (Minor) field activity is possible on 13-15, 17 and 23-31 Oct with G2 (Moderate) levels possible on 24-26 Oct. This activity is due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Additional enhancement to the field is expected on 13-14 Oct due to CME effects from the 08 Oct filament eruption. Generally quiet to unsettled conditions are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.

Don’t forget to visit our live space weather and radio propagation web site, at:

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Weekly Propagation Summary – 2016 Oct 03 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2016 Oct 03 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2016 Oct 03 0200 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 26 September – 02 October 2016

Solar activity was at predominately very low levels with an isolated C1/Sf flare observed at 27/0748 UTC from Region 2597 (S13, L=349, class/area Dsc/120 on 24 Sep). This region also produced numerous background flares during the period. The only other spotted region on the disk, new Region 2598 (N12, L=172, class/area Bxo/010 on 02 Oct), produced a few background flares late in the period.

Other activity consisted of a pair of CMEs that were observed lifting off the NE limb on 01 Oct. At 01/0139 UTC, a 38 degree long filament erupted that was centered near N26E27. C2 LASCO imagery observed a CME off the east limb, first visible at 01/0248 UTC. Later in the day at 01/1340 UTC, coronal dimming was observed in the NE quadrant with an associated CME off the east limb, first visible in C2 LASCO imagery at 01/1424 UTC. WSA-Enlil model output suggested a possible weak, glancing impact at Earth mid to late on 04 Oct.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels on 26 Sep, moderate levels on 27 Sep, high levels on 28-29 Sep and 02 Oct and very high levels on 30 Sep and 01 Oct.

Geomagnetic field activity was dominated during the period by a large, recurrent, positive polarity CH HSS. Field activity began the period on 26 Sep at unsettled to active levels due to a period of prolonged southward Bz to -10 Nt. Wind speeds were in the 400-425 km/s range through midday on 26 Sep when a gradual increase to near 475 km/s was observed by early on 27 Sep. Through 27 Sep, wind speeds continued to increase to end the day near 700 km/s as the CH HSS became geoeffective. Bz was variable between +/- 9 nT. The geomagnetic field reacted with unsettled to minor storm (G1-Minor) levels with isolated major storm (G2-Moderate) levels.

From 28 Sep through midday on 30 Sep, wind speeds remained in the 700 km/s range while the Bz component was variable at +/- 5 nT. Field conditions remained at predominately unsettled to G1 storm levels with isolated G2 storm periods observed on 28 and 29 Sep. From midday on 30 Sep through 02 Oct, wind speeds slowly decreased to end the summary period near 475 km/s. Bz remained variable between +/- 5 nT. Field conditions responded with quiet to active levels with some isolated G1 storm periods.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 03 October – 29 October 2016

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a slight chance for C-class flares through the outlook period.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels from 03-06 Oct, 18 Oct and 24-28 Oct and very high levels 27-29 Oct due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Normal to moderate levels are expected for the remainder of the period.

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 03-05 Oct, 16-18 Oct and 23-29 Oct. G1(Minor) field activity is possible on 17 Oct and 23-29 Oct with G2 (Moderate) activity possible on 24-26 Oct. This activity is due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent CH HSSs. Generally quiet to unsettled conditions are expected throughout the remainder of the period.

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Weekly Propagation Summary – 2016 Sep 26 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2016 Sep 26 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2016 Sep 26 0103 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 19 – 25 September 2016

Solar activity reached low levels this period due to isolated C-class flare activity. Region 2595 (N11, L=099, class/area=Dao/120 on 20 Sep) was the most productive region this period. In addition to multiple low-level C-class flares Region 2595 produced the largest event of the period, a C5 flare at 22/0547 UTC. Region 2597 (S13, L=349, class/area=Dsc/120 on 24 Sep) developed late in the week and produced an isolated C1 flare at 25/1914 UTC in addition to numerous B-class flares. No Earth-directed coronal mass ejections were observed this period.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels on 21 Sep, moderate levels on 22-23 Sep, and was at normal levels throughout the remainder of the period.

Geomagnetic field activity reached G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels on 20 Sep with active levels observed on 21 Sep in response to the influence of a negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream. G1 (Minor) storm levels were observed again on 25 Sep due to prolonged periods of southward interplanetary magnetic field orientation. Quiet conditions were observed on 22-24 Sep and quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 19 Sep under a background solar wind environment.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 26 September – 22 October 2016

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels throughout the period with a chance for C-class flare activity.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be very high on 02 Oct with high levels expected on 29 Sep-01 Oct, 03-11 Oct, and 18 Oct following periods of an enhanced solar wind environment associated with coronal hole high speed stream influence. Normal and normal to moderate flux levels are expected throughout the remainder of the period.

Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm levels on 28-30 Sep and G1 (Minor) storm levels on 26 Sep, 01-02 Oct, and 17 Oct due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent coronal hole high speed solar wind streams. Active conditions are expected on 27 Sep, 03 Oct, and 18 Oct with generally quiet and quiet to unsettled conditions likely throughout the remainder of the period.

Don’t forget to visit our live space weather and radio propagation web site, at:

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Weekly Propagation Summary – 2016 Sep 19 16:10 UTC

Weekly Propagation Summary (2016 Sep 19 16:10 UTC)

Here is this week’s space weather and geophysical report, issued 2016 Sep 19 0130 UTC.

Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 12 – 18 September 2016

Solar activity was at very low levels throughout the period. Region 2585 (N08, L=222, class/area=Ekc/590 on 03 Sep) was the largest and most magnetically complex region on the disk this week, however, the region only produced low-level B-class flare activity before rotating out of view early in the period. Region 2592 (N14, L=027, class/area=Bxo/10 on 18 Sep) produced several low-level B-class flares in the latter half of the week, but was relatively simple throughout the period. No Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were observed this period.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels on 12-14 Sep, moderate levels on 18 Sep, and were at normal levels on 15-17 Sep.

Geomagnetic field activity was quiet on 13, 16-27 Sep and quiet to unsettled on 12, 14-15, and 18 Sep under a mostly nominal solar wind regime.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 19 September – 15 October 2016

Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels with a change for C-class flares throughout the period.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach very high levels on 02-05 Oct with high levels expected on 21-25, 29 Sep-01 Oct, and 06-11 Oct following solar wind enhancements associated with the influence of multiple coronal hole high speed streams. Electron flux is expected to be at normal or normal to moderate levels throughout the remainder of the period.

Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm levels on 28-30 Sep and G1 (Minor) storm levels on 19-20 Sep and 01 Oct due to the anticipated influence of multiple, recurrent coronal hole high speed streams. Active conditions are expected on 21 Sep and 02-05 Oct with generally quiet or quiet to unsettled conditions likely throughout the remainder of the period.

Don’t forget to visit our live space weather and radio propagation web site, at:

Live Aurora mapping is at

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Check out the stunning view of our Sun in action, as seen during the last five years with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO):

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor