
First, I did not work him, unfortunately. But I did hear him on 28038 KHz calling CQ. First I thought it was Japan, no alarm bells were ringing. But when I looked at I saw it was Mongolia, so I fired up the rig for transmitting, but then his signal was gone. Yes, that happens on 10 meter band often.

I made a short documentary about a boy who knows a lot about mills. So I followed him with my camera and made this film. The mill is a watermill from 1896. Still on duty to keep our feet dry.

Now my set is tuned on 10m for WSPR.

Results on 10m

Always take a look at 10m

It's worthwhile to take a look at the 10 meter band. I did it today. First I worked UP5ØA with CW. Then I heard W3EP with 599 signals. Yes, I worked him and also W1VE with very loud signals.

Roger Lapthorn G3XBM

I got this mail from Bob G3WKW about Roger G3XBM. His physical state seems to be very serious, so please read this message:

I wanted to post an update on Roger's blog but it has locked into requiring moderation mode. Of the 41 responses to his last blog you are the only two with email on your profiles. please see and pass the link to any you may know who follows Roger's blog. It looks like it will be a while before Roger is blogging again.


Thanks for reading this. My thoughts are with him and his wife and family. I hope he will recover soon.
Another great fellow Julian G4ILO, his operation has been successful and all went well. Read his blog bout it.


I had a qso with TA1GO on 20m (14076 KHz) with JT65A. Though poor propagation, I heard VK3FM and YV6BFE with JT65A.

WSPR tonight on 20m 5W

20m WSPR

Tonight: 20 meter WSPR before all signals fade out.

Geomagnetic storm

There is a geomagnetic storm going on. The noise floor is 12 dB less at the moment. I could work HB3ØOK and 9A282TN on 40m CW. I did hear ZL2AGY (!) but could not work him. Despite of a geomagnetic storm, I could hear the other end of the world.

10 meter openings

Proving that I am not a robot is sometimes fun. I got this CAPTCHA yesterday

I saw this photo on Twitter (GW1JFV) This was my first SWL radio, a KOYO with real S-meter. Here it starts, my first steps with radio reception. First broadcast stations, later on ham radio. Very nostalgic.

WSPR on 20 m yesterday late afternoon. We should keep an eye on 10 meter. I do hear a lot of DX. Yesterday I heard 5R8FL from Madagascar with PSK31. He was gone after a few minutes. So I could not work him.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor