CQ DX RTTY contest

If you can't beat them, join them. Normally I hate RTTY contests because they are all over the place and it's hard to make a qso with digi mode on HF. Now I made some contacts with RTTY just to give away points. I was active on 10 meter. Most stations from Asiatic Russia. This one from Egypt Cairo was special. Just because I do not work Egypt every day.

Kazakhstan always nice to work. Other stations on 10 meter RTTY: K3MJW, RG9A, RA9AU, RC9A, R9XC and RT9S. I also heard Australia and Brazil on 10, but could not work them.

JT9 QSO 40m

This morning I worked WB2SXY on 40 meter (7078 KHz USB) with JT9. 25 watts and my end fed antenna. After this qso I switched to 30 meters, and had a nice qso with EI7JK Dave from Kerry with CW (I was using 15 watts)

Not much

Not much is going on here. A lot of non radio issues. I made only 3 qso last week. I saw this very nice low profile video by NG9D, so I wanted to share this with you. Very nice, isn't it?


I worked Wayne K1CF this morning on 40 meters with JT9. I worked him before on 80 and 20 meters with JT9. On 160 meter I was spotted by F6DSV with JT9, that's 1021 km. No other activity on 160 meter so far. I called a few times CQ without results. On 20 meter I heard OD5PY calling CQ. He didn't answer my return. Also I wasn't spotted on 20 meter. Bad propagation at that moment for me. Normally is 20m the best band for me and my end fed long wire.

2 m sked with PE1BVQ with JT9

Tonight I planned a sked with PE1BVQ Hans with JT9 on 2 meters. And yes, I heard the JT9 signal of Hans, unfortunately, he didn't hear my signal. I only have a vertical for 2 meters, and there is 116 km between us. My antenna is without any gain. ;-) But is was nice trying. Thanks Hans!

Test with different power levels. 10 Watts was still strong enough, 5 Watts: no trace at all. You should expect some power level of -20dB. Nice trying. Maybe also a sked with Bas PE4BAS in the future when his new shack is ready.

In the early morning I was calling CQ on 40 meter with JT9. No takers, but spotters.

ZL on 40m WSPR

I was surprised to be spotted by ZL3PX Geoff (see photo) on 40m WSPR. Very nice, distance: 18.663 km. I was running 5W. Yesterday I experimenting with WSPR QRPp 50 mW on 20 meter. Best spot was LA9JO that's 39.300 km/W or 24.426 mpw. With such low power LA is DX!

Listening to B11 B12 balloon on 434.500 MHz. Just with my vertical.


Nice contact this morning into Russia with JT9 on 14078 KHz with RWØBT 4397km. On 30 meter I had good WSPR spots in the USA/Canada.

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