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CQ DX RTTY contest
If you can't beat them, join them. Normally I hate RTTY contests because they are all over the place and it's hard to make a qso with digi mode on HF. Now I made some contacts with RTTY just to give away points. I was active on 10 meter. Most stations from Asiatic Russia. This one from Egypt Cairo was special. Just because I do not work Egypt every day.
Kazakhstan always nice to work. Other stations on 10 meter RTTY: K3MJW, RG9A, RA9AU, RC9A, R9XC and RT9S. I also heard Australia and Brazil on 10, but could not work them.
JT9 QSO 40m
This morning I worked WB2SXY on 40 meter (7078 KHz USB) with JT9. 25 watts and my end fed antenna. After this qso I switched to 30 meters, and had a nice qso with EI7JK Dave from Kerry with CW (I was using 15 watts)
Not much
Not much is going on here. A lot of non radio issues. I made only 3 qso last week. I saw this very nice low profile video by NG9D, so I wanted to share this with you. Very nice, isn't it?
I worked Wayne K1CF this morning on 40 meters with JT9. I worked him before on 80 and 20 meters with JT9. On 160 meter I was spotted by F6DSV with JT9, that's 1021 km. No other activity on 160 meter so far. I called a few times CQ without results. On 20 meter I heard OD5PY calling CQ. He didn't answer my return. Also I wasn't spotted on 20 meter. Bad propagation at that moment for me. Normally is 20m the best band for me and my end fed long wire.
2 m sked with PE1BVQ with JT9
Tonight I planned a sked with PE1BVQ Hans with JT9 on 2 meters. And yes, I heard the JT9 signal of Hans, unfortunately, he didn't hear my signal. I only have a vertical for 2 meters, and there is 116 km between us. My antenna is without any gain. ;-) But is was nice trying. Thanks Hans!
Test with different power levels. 10 Watts was still strong enough, 5 Watts: no trace at all. You should expect some power level of -20dB. Nice trying. Maybe also a sked with Bas PE4BAS in the future when his new shack is ready.
In the early morning I was calling CQ on 40 meter with JT9. No takers, but spotters.
ZL on 40m WSPR
I was surprised to be spotted by ZL3PX Geoff (see photo) on 40m WSPR. Very nice, distance: 18.663 km. I was running 5W. Yesterday I experimenting with WSPR QRPp 50 mW on 20 meter. Best spot was LA9JO that's 39.300 km/W or 24.426 mpw. With such low power LA is DX!