
In the afternoon I was spotted in Japan on 17m with WSPR. Just like Ron PA2RF a few days ago. Also K0VM from Iowa.

Tonight, on 20 meter I was spotted again in Japan.

30m WSPR tonight

Good results on 30m tonight. This morning I made a few BPSK31 qrp qso's on 20m. Below my 6 meter antenna, unfortunately I hardly didn't make any qso this summer. Maybe 2 or so. I think it was the last time on 6 meter. I will replace the antenna for an another HF vertical.

Tonight we were on the beach. It was rather quiet because all tourists are gone home again. Here I took a photo.

High Quality HyEndFed

The HyEndFed antenna is momentarily my only HF antenna. Just 11,85 meters long (38.878 ft), very stealth, and a great performer. It was much better than my dipole. And it absolutely outperformed all my verticals I've had. The antenna is made for 40-20 and 10 meter. A high quality Dutch product. Of course when someone is handy you can made it yourself. But I know my restrictions and capabilities for technical skills. I tune this antenna with a MFJ-925 for all other HF bands. On 40, 20 and 10 meter I don't need a tuner. I know, a perfect SWR says nothing about the effectiveness of the antenna. Nevertheless, here are my SWR readings on the other HF bands with the HyEndFed.

You can not hear me complain about these results. Yesterday I mentioned how my results were on 80 meter with JT65A. 1221 km on 80 meter with 30 watts. So I will check the effectiveness of my antenna in the coming weeks.

Maybe I replace the 6 meter antenna, after the Es season, for a ground plane antenna for 30 meters.

Useful links: http://www.hyendfedantenna.nl/joomla/ and http://www.hyendcompany.nl/

80m JT65A

Though conditions are poor / fair on the lower bands, I tried JT65A on 80 meter tonight with my 3 band HyEndFed antenna which is made for 40-20-10m. I worked 9A3BWW -6dB # -14 dB. 1221 km. So I am very pleased with this qso. I also worked GW3TYI and DF2MR on 80 meter.

Noctilucent Clouds and Aurora

Just a nice time lapse video.

Light House Weekend

Today I worked several light house stations mainly on 40 meter. I worked EA1WD on 20m with BPSK63. Earlier today propagation wasn't great, sometimes I doubt if the antenna is okay. But there is nothing wrong with my antenna. ;-) Tonight 40m was in a good shape. With BPSK31 I worked Jaap LA/PA5JD/P we had a nice chat. He lives normally nearby (Egmond-binnen) that's only 5 km from my village.

He works in Norway for a year as a cheese maker. We never met before. I also worked: DJ2PW, R6DD, G6BFP, UB2FAB, ES6JAN, OK1DOZ, S51UZ, DK0EPC and DL2ALY/LH. Enough for today.

Great propagation last night 20m

ZL2AIM was my best WSPR DX last night with 5 watts on 20m. It's 18154 km. Also Thailand and the Philippines, and USA east coast.

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