Just a normal day

Started with QRP on 20 meter (14.060 MHz) - I did work R2ABT (see photo) from Moscow, first his signal was not strong, just above noise level. Later on his signal was 559. A nice 2 way QRP contact. Also with SQ9HHZ from Poland. With JT9 I worked OE1DXA and LY2CV on 14.078 MHz

New DXCC again

Today 10 meter is in a good shape. I worked a new DXCC this morning 5R8IC from Madagascar with CW.

Two new DXCC today

It was another great day for me. I worked two new DXCC. First Mauritius Island two times: one on 10m 3B8CW with JT65 and 3B8DB on 12m CW. On 12 meter with CW I worked VP5/W5CW from Turks & Caicos Islands. He was the only loud station, he was really 599. Also worked VK4FNQ from Queensland with JT65 on 10 meter (see photo) and RN9SN.


I was very lucky today, I heard T6MH Michael from Afghanistan on 10m with PSK31. And he did hear me. I worked Afghanistan before, so no new DXCC but I am happy to work him from Kandahar.

RF issue

With my old internet modem and router I always had problems with RF. It shuts down my internet connection when I cranked up the power, remedy: I placed a lot of ferrite rings which was adequate. The new router/modem does really good. Only one ferrite ring at the AC cable of the modem was enough. I tested up to 50 watts (I never use more) on all HF bands without any problem. On left the photo of my small shack. I added an old HP notebook as second display for digi modes.

My antennas as it is now. On top of the roof the small vertical for 2m / 70 cm, at the right my 6 meter vertical and left my end fed wire as sloper. For the time being it stays that way.

New Internet Modem

Testing download speed and upload speed today. Just happy with my new Internet modem / router. Promised speed 150 Mbps by Ziggo. Almost... no complaints here. :-)

JT65 is the winner

I checked PSK reporter for checking all active monitors on PSK Reporter for the last 12 hours today. On the graphic you can see CW but that’s another story. There is CW skimmer for actual monitor activity. No doubt CW and SSB are the most popular modes in use. What about the digi modes? Well, congratulations for Joe Taylor (K1JT) JT65 is the winner! Followed by PSK31. JT9 a good 3rd place. Surprising is ROS. Still doing a good job. What about Olivia, Hell, Throb, MT63, JT44, MFSK, Lentus and Contestia? Forget about it. No activity the last 12 hours. Maybe in the weekend probably, because more hams are active. I tried several digi modes myself today calling CQ. Nothing. JT6M is most of the time in use when there is meteorites active (6 meter band) And there is some SSTV activity mainly on 20 meters .

Update: I jumped to conclusions too fast, I am afraid. Not all digi software supported PSK Reporter said G4EST and he is right of course. Maybe it shows only a trend. On 10 meter yesterday the JT65 bandwidth was crowded. About 12 stations were QRV, and only 3 PSK63 and 1 PSK31 station. BX2ABT reports: No reports doesn't mean no activity . He is daily active with Olivia on 20 meter. I will look for him. ;-)

Another great repoter site is Hamspots. (Sorry I forgot) I checked digi mode activity for the last 2 minutes at 10 h UTC. JT65: 70 stations; PSK31: 21 stations; JT9: 8 stations; and RTTY; 1 station. I heard Olivia on 14.106 QSO G0MGM with EI9FV. I heard Hell sometimes last week. And agian I see a certain trend. JT65 is really the most used digi mode at the moment and PSK31 is a good for a second place.

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