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Two new DXCC today
RF issue
JT65 is the winner
Update: I jumped to conclusions too fast, I am afraid. Not all digi software supported PSK Reporter said G4EST and he is right of course. Maybe it shows only a trend. On 10 meter yesterday the JT65 bandwidth was crowded. About 12 stations were QRV, and only 3 PSK63 and 1 PSK31 station. BX2ABT reports: No reports doesn't mean no activity . He is daily active with Olivia on 20 meter. I will look for him. ;-)
Another great repoter site is Hamspots. (Sorry I forgot) I checked digi mode activity for the last 2 minutes at 10 h UTC. JT65: 70 stations; PSK31: 21 stations; JT9: 8 stations; and RTTY; 1 station. I heard Olivia on 14.106 QSO G0MGM with EI9FV. I heard Hell sometimes last week. And agian I see a certain trend. JT65 is really the most used digi mode at the moment and PSK31 is a good for a second place.