TX Factor Episode 10

The long-awaited tenth episode is finally here.


Mike Marsh returns to his old school in Ottery St Mary, Devon to learn how science lessons have changed since he was a lad.

Bob keeps his feet firmly on the ground in his native Cornwall to see why the letter ‘K’ has been making its presence felt. While he’s there, he visits Goonhilly Earth Station to meet Arthur, the satellite dish that made history in the early 1960s and its modern-day equivalent.

Steve Venner G0TAN shows us the ins and outs of the Yeasu FT-991 all-band transceiver.

And the folks at TX Factor make a plea for help.

Hope you enjoy it!


TX Factor Team

TX Factor Episode 9 is Ready to Watch

The popular UK TV show dedicated to amateur radio is back on the air with episode 9 featuring ham radio Essex-style!

We visit the south east of England to report on the work of Chelmsford ARS, Essex Repeater Group and Essex Ham.

And we’re giving away a CG-PK4 Pocket Memory Keyer in our free-to-enter draw.

Hope you enjoy the show!


TX Factor Episode 8 Has Been Elected!

The long-awaited episode 8 of TX Factor is now available from www.txfactor.co.uk
It’s the antidote to the UK’s General Election coverage, featuring the man at the helm of the UK’s PW Magazine, the family guys who run Icom UK, and two amateurs who help to keep BBC radio on the air.
Why spend time watching the world’s media debate the result of the Election when you can indulge in episode 8 of the UK’s only TV show dedicated to amateur radio?

Oh, there’s also a chance to win a FUNcube Dongle Pro+ courtesy of its inventor Howard Long in our next free-to-enter draw.

Suddenly, the prospect of a hung parliament is not such a bad result after all: there’s always amateur radio and TX Factor to take your mind off the gloom!

Be sure to watch the show and may the best Party(ies) win!
TX Factor Team

TX Factor Episode 7 Is Live

The long-awaited next edition of the UK-based HD TV show dedicated to amateur radio is now available at www.txfactor.co.uk

In this episode the team investigates the issues of recruiting young people to the hobby and visits a veteran amateur who’s an inspiration to us all! We discover what the IOTA programme has to celebrate and test an innovative 2 metre antenna which can be won in our next draw.

We hope you enjoy the show!

TX Factor Team

TX Factor at UK’s National Hamfest 2014

Episode 6 is now live at txfactor.co.uk. It features the best from the UK’s biggest rally, National Hamfest 2014. The team meets the exhibitors and visitors and brings a flavour of this amazing annual ham event to those who couldn’t make it this time.

There’s also a chance to win the compact, yet function-packed dual band VX-3 transceiver in our next free-to-enter competition.

We hope you enjoy the show and look forward to your comments and feedback at [email protected]

73 from the TX Factor team

TX Factor – Episode 5 is Live

Silcoates School ARC

Silcoates School ARC

In this episode Bob McCreadie reports from the recent AMSAT-UK Colloquium, and finds time to test out the SuperAntenna Superstick delux package. Nick Bennett travels north and discovers a rather remarkable radio club. And we reveal the winner of our first free-to-enter competition.

See the new episode at www.txfactor.co.uk

We hope you enjoy the show!

TX Factor Team

The TX Factor Team Goes Continental!

The team at TX Factor, the UK’s only TV show dedicated to amateur radio is proud to announce that the back catalogue of episodes will soon be available with French subtitles. To date, episode 1 has been encoded and the translation team is now working on episode 2 with the aim of translating each show as it becomes available.
The band of French amateurs who have undertaken the project include Franck F4HFQ, Laurent F6FVY, Philippe F8BXI and Laurent F8GQH.
Within a few days of the french subtitled version becoming available it had received over 800 views – presumably from OM in France and other French speaking colonies.
If anyone would like to offer to translate TX Factor into Spanish please contact the producers at [email protected]
The original version of TX Factor episode 1 has received over 30,000 views since its launch in February 2014.
All the episodes, including TXtra features and regular amateur radio podcasts, can be viewed at the TX Factor website www.txfactor.co.uk
The HD TV shows are presented by Bob McCreadie G0FGX, Mike Marsh G1IAR, Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ and are sponsored by UK distributor Martin Lynch and Sons and Yaesu Musen Co, Japan.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor