Back on 10m again for an evening look
CX2ABP(11127km) in Montevideo (GF15wc) has just been spotted here at -25dB S/N on 10m WSPR even though propagation is supposed to be “poor” and he is using 5w.
10m really is my favorite band of all. Propagation supposed to be “poor” yet here is a South Anerican 11127km away on QRP! Now he is -21dB S/N and getting better!
UPDATE 2015z: Weak highly Doppler shifted signals near the bottom of the WSPR band suggest there is some 10m GDX about too. With luck, this may decode before too long? It needs a period with low Doppler.
UPDATE 2050z: CX2ABP has now been spotted 4 times in the last 38 minutes and he is now -18dB S/N which is 7dB stronger than at first. Again, it may be just co-incidence but his best signal corresponds with when Doppler on his signal is lowest. It is as if ALL stations with any drift or Doppler are best when Doppler (or is it drift?) is lowest.
UPDATE 2111z:: Nothing seen since 2038z, so I suspect the band has died out for the day (or the software has ceased working again!). Maybe I should go back on 6m looking for GDX again? I’ll leave it on 10m for another 20 minutes just in case.
UPDATE 2132z: Gone back to 6m GDX hunting. All quiet here so far this evening.