Beach Boys ARC On The Edge Of A Continent

Good morning from the #hamr shackadelic zone where ham radio collides with the spirit of having fun and experiencing life in the great outdoors.

The Beach Boys ARC later this morning will set up wireless gear on the edge of a continent. Currently, beach weather is off the hook and conditions are stellar with blue skies while Cycle 24 rages above our craniums. It is the kinda of day that explains why I love living on the central coast of California.

Our gear list —

  1. Yaesu FT100.
  2. Paddles for Morse code.
  3. Boom microphone for single sideband.
  4. Buddipole antenna system.
  5. Honda EU2000i generator.
  6. Table.
  7. Chairs.

I want to tweet a few photographs into our #hamr network, high definition video using a small Sony Cyber Shot camera with mini tripod for stabilization, and an Olympus D-550 digital camera for still photography.

Additionally, wavelength conditions and SpotCollector with Reverse Beacon Network inputs, suggest 15m and/or 20m as open toward the east and south of Shell Beach. My best guess at operating frequencies —
  • 14.055 KHz plus or minus 10 KHz (CW)
  • 21.055 KHz plus or minus 10 KHz (CW)
  • 14.300 KHz plus or minus 10 KHz (SSB)
  • 21.300 KHz plus or minus 10 KHz (SSB)

The Beach Boys ARC is looking forward to launching their signal from the edge of a continent while experiencing ham radio in the great outdoors.

73 from the shackadelic near the beach. 

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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